uber / uReplicator

Improvement of Apache Kafka Mirrormaker
Apache License 2.0
906 stars 200 forks source link

Some of the descriptions in the quickstart document are not quite accurate. #351

Open yangdaixai opened 2 years ago

yangdaixai commented 2 years ago

Documentation -> quick start


2.4 Start uReplicator Example 1: Copy data from source cluster to destination cluster

Start uReplicator Controller (you should keep it running): "... -srcKafkaZkPath localhost:2181/cluster1 -zookeeper localhost:2181 -destKafkaZkPath localhost:2181/cluster1 ..." should be "... -srcKafkaZkPath localhost:2181/cluster1 -zookeeper localhost:2181 -destKafkaZkPath localhost:2181/cluster2... "

yangdaixai commented 2 years ago


yangdaixai commented 2 years ago


yangdaixai commented 2 years ago


yangy0000 commented 2 years ago

thanks for point it out, updated.