ubergeek42 / domjudge-aws

A set of scripts for running a DOMjudge cluster on AWS
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Code is not copying in web server, apache not running #4

Open JPMallow opened 8 years ago

JPMallow commented 8 years ago


I followed your steps and ran the terraform script, but not able to get it tun. When I hit the load balancer dns URL, it shows the blank page. When I inspect the page in browser, it shows the below error in console.

"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503 (Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity)"

Steps followed:

  1. Done AWS setup as per the documentation
  2. Created 2 ami as per the documentation
  3. Created main.tf and terraform.tfvars by copying from main.tf.dist and terraform.tfvars.dist and populated the necessary values.
  4. Ran the terraform script.


  1. All the AWS resources created successfully (Webserver, judgehost, loadbalancer, rds, dynamo db, cloud watch alarms), but I am not able to find any code related domjudge in the webserver (I checked by doing ssh into it)
  2. When I ran apache2 status in the webserver, it says apache2 is not installed.
  3. I guess this is due to the created ami. When I search the file deploy_domserver.sh in webserver (in /root directory), it is not there actually.

Please help me to sort out this issue.

P.S: If you like to do a private chat for this, I am okay for that.


JPMallow commented 8 years ago

Additional informations:

I just created again the web server AMI and launched the new ec2 machine separately by using that AMI from AMI sections in AWS web console.

Then I was doing ssh into that machine and searched the deploy script in root directory (deploy_domserver.sh), but the file is not available in that directory.

ubergeek42 commented 8 years ago

Just to clarify, deploy_domserver isn't in /, it's in /root/. Not sure which you were looking in, but that might be the issue.

If apache2 isn't even installed, then it seems like the createami script didn't go so well. On a webserver launched from that ami, can you see if these commands work(Basically all that the createami script does): https://github.com/ubergeek42/domserver-ami/blob/master/createami.py#L27

Private chat is ok with me, kj@ubergeek42.com on google hangouts.(or irc pm ubergeek42 on freenode)

JPMallow commented 8 years ago

I have sent an invite in Google Hangout (My name is Jaya Prakash). I will try and send the reply for your questions in Hangout on Monday (After you accept the invitation).

Notes: I was searched in /root/ only. It was not there.
