ubergeek42 / weechat-android

Simple Weechat-Relay Android Client
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Fix up strings related to input history navigation #564

Closed oakkitten closed 8 months ago

oakkitten commented 1 year ago

German translations pending

zopieux commented 1 year ago

What's wrong about the plurals?

oakkitten commented 1 year ago

Tfw you carefully spell out the reasoning in the commit message but still get asked questions like this 😔

zopieux commented 1 year ago

tfw you expect me to do 3 clicks to discover the extended commit message which should have been pasted in the PR description

zopieux commented 1 year ago

The whole point of an i18n framework is to deal with language specific shenanigans. Why can't Russian use a single version for all numbers here? Is there a technical limitation from Android?

Note I really couldn't care less about this random plural in a toast absolutely nobody will see in the next 20 years, so lgtm. But the rationale for that change seems bonkers to me.

oakkitten commented 1 year ago

Not sure if I explained this elsewhere or if I should; anyway,

In Russian you usually use different forms of plurals depending on the last digit of the number, e.g. 1 кот 😼, 2/3/4 кота 🐱🐱, 5/6/7/8/9/10/... котов 🐈🐈🐈. It wraps around at 21, and you say 21 кот 😼. Formatting these correctly is what the i18n framework does for you.

However, if you omit the number, for any unknown plural number you'd use коты, which is distinct from any of the above words and also doesn't wrap in any way... So you have to use something else

oakkitten commented 1 year ago

@weechatter Would be nice to have the German translations corrected here as well

Source https://github.com/ubergeek42/weechat-android/blob/1501f874a2e3e2c7b4f6ba32f5cd62e2d76efca1/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml#L722-L731

Current German translation https://github.com/ubergeek42/weechat-android/blob/1501f874a2e3e2c7b4f6ba32f5cd62e2d76efca1/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml#L706-L709

If you would just write the strings here as a comment and I'll do the rest

weechatter commented 1 year ago

Translation is ok for me