Closed MehranSedrpooshan closed 3 years ago
Hi @MehranSedrpooshan, thank you for your question and for using Ubermag. Table data shows average magnetisation. If you need a magnetisation field, you can access it by:
import micromagneticdata as md
data = md.Data(
drive = data[-1]
m = drive[N] # replace N with the step number
You can find more information here:
Hi everyone, I think by using the center coordinate of cells ( list(mesh) ) and then system.m(point), we can get the magnetization of each cell.
cell_center_pos = list(mesh) # This extracts cell centre points M_list = [] for point in cell_center_pos: M_cell = system.m(point) M_list.append(M_cell) print(M_list)
Dear Ubermag team or users,
How can I extract the raw data associated with each cell? For example, mx, my, mz for each cell after using hysteresisdriver (for each stage). I can get for example "mx" by passing "", but the value is related to the whole of the system.
Thank you so much!