ubershmekel / redditp

Convert any reddit page to a presentation or slide show
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Include image number in the #147

Open d33tah opened 1 year ago

d33tah commented 1 year ago

Sometimes I explore subreddits that are too big to process in one sitting. I'd like to be able to continue from where I left off, but right now there's no easy way to skip to that part. I can bookmark redditp, but the bookmark doesn't have enough context - the image number is neither in the URL nor in the title. Do you think it would make sense to include it in the title so that it's easier to scroll past already seen images?

Hrxn commented 1 year ago

Not sure if this is even possible...

I mean, an absolute link from any subreddit, even big ones, is permanent, but there is no "static" order of entries from a subreddit, pagination on reddit itself works by setting an offset, i.e. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/?count=25&after=t3_xfzii3

d33tah commented 1 year ago

@Hrxn Sure! I understand that skipping might be very difficult or impossible - that's why I'm OK doing this part on my own by jumping to the end of each page manually. What I'd like to be able to easily keep track is: which image should I stop skipping at?

ubershmekel commented 1 year ago

If we saved the after=t3_xfzii3 in the url, we could continue from that post. The numbering would have to start at 1 because we don't have a way to go backwards, but at least you would have a continuity there. Would that be good?

d33tah commented 1 year ago

It would actually be pretty amazing!

ubershmekel commented 1 year ago

The problem is, I believe people expect a refresh to start from the top. So I'm not sure how to make everyone happy here.

d33tah commented 1 year ago

I thought of the same. That's why I suggested just putting the image number in the page title. This way it's noninvasive and already aids the user in finding what they're looking for, manually.

JohnnyDarks commented 1 year ago

maybe adding a "permalink" link in the bottom ribbon?