ubidots / ubidots-arduino-ethernet

Ubidots-Ethernet is an Arduino library for interacting with Ubidots through its API with the Arduino ethernet shield.
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I could not use your library with Arduino MKRZERO. #8

Closed ScottJeong closed 5 years ago

ScottJeong commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm Wiznet's engineer.

I used your library well with Arduino Uno.

But I could not use your library with Arduino MKRZERO.

I used two examples, but all had an error. I used the UbidotsSaveValues ​​and UbidotsGetValue examples.

I have temporarily modified your library and examples to fix the error.

Can I use it like this? Do you have an update plan?

I look forward to your reply.

Thank you.


jotathebest commented 5 years ago

Greetings Scott, thanks for writing. Answering your questions:

Can I use it like this?

Our libraries licenses specify that you may copy or modify the main source code, so feel free to use your actual script as always as it fits your needs.

Do you have an update plan?

This library is not planned to be updated in a short time as we do not usually see issues reports with it, but if the issue is just related with the port naming, it is something that for sure we may just change or, if you wish, just create a PR with the fix and we will be glad to merge it so you can be recorded as a contributor to the library.

I will be attentive to your thoughts.

Jose García Developer @Ubidots