Hi, I am having a bit of trouble understanding if it is OK to use Ubiety.Dns.Core in a close source project, I am not going to use it directly, but by importing MySQL.Data it also imports Ubiety.Dns.Core. Now the problem is that in the license disclaimer of MySQL.Data says that Ubiety.Dns.Core is MIT
They are using a version that is still covered under MIT so it should be fine, and after realizing there is an issue with some of my other projects the license will probably be reverting to MIT anyway.
Hi, I am having a bit of trouble understanding if it is OK to use Ubiety.Dns.Core in a close source project, I am not going to use it directly, but by importing MySQL.Data it also imports Ubiety.Dns.Core. Now the problem is that in the license disclaimer of MySQL.Data says that Ubiety.Dns.Core is MIT
nuge of MySqL.Data MySql.Data
, but on the Ubiety's github says that is GPL3, although the repo (https://github.com/ubiety/Ubiety.Dns.Core) where this is mentioned is a fork of (https://github.com/ghuntley/Heijden.Dns) which mentions the project to be MIT.
Ubiety.Dns.Core github
So... can Ubiety.Dns.Core be included, even if indirectly, in a closed source project?