ubik23 / charactercreator

A frontend interface for creating characters in SVG.
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Re-evaluate Google Analytics usage #117

Open millette opened 4 years ago

millette commented 4 years ago

ga() is explicitly called in a few places, but it could be non-existent if the google analytics script is block due to an ad blocker, /etc/hosts, etc.

Stub it out to do nothing. Basically:

if (!ga) {
  function ga() { /* do nothing */ }
ubik23 commented 4 years ago

Good call.

millette commented 4 years ago

I'm pretty sure I addressed this before, maybe the ga() NOP is already hidden somewhere. I've seen many sites broken only because ga() was failing when the site would work fine otherwise.

ubik23 commented 4 years ago

I also see some sites slowed down because of GA. There definitely needs a better way to manage this.

millette commented 4 years ago

Don't use google analytics :-)

In fact, we could investigate other options by identifying what you really want to measure (only actionable stuff). After snowpack :p

ubik23 commented 4 years ago


millette commented 3 years ago
millette commented 3 years ago

Meanwhile, we should add server-side logging, enough at least to compare with GA. See #148

ubik23 commented 3 years ago

New article on Plausible: https://freshman.tech/google-analytics-to-plausible/

millette commented 3 years ago

About plausible: I'm not sure how many montlhy pageviews you have, say it's 500k. That adds up to 300$ CAD a year according to https://plausible.io/#pricing if paid yearly. There's a self hosting option too, but that means maintenance and at 40$/h if it takes 8 hours during the year, it's cheaper to go with the SASS.