ubilabs / google-maps-react-hooks

The JavaScript library to easily implement a Google Maps map into your react application. It comes with a collection of React hooks to access the map instance or different Maps JavaScript Services.
MIT License
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Docs/contribution convention guidelines #109

Closed BiniCodes closed 1 year ago

BiniCodes commented 1 year ago
BiniCodes commented 1 year ago

Maybe you can add a section for the examples.

* each new hook needs at least one example

* how a example must look like

  * runnable React app showing the usage of the new hook in a common use case
  * npm task in example workspace and root package.json to start the example
  * README with code example and image with ratio 2:1
  * ...

Hm, yes I like the idea! Only thing is that I think that someone can create a hook, while someone else can add the example for it. So maybe we should write sth. like 'Each hook should have an example in the examples folder. If you want to provide an example for a hook, please..." and so on?