ubilabs / react-geosuggest

A React autosuggest for the Google Maps Places API.
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Displaying a "not found" message in the suggestions #353

Open tstirrat15 opened 7 years ago

tstirrat15 commented 7 years ago

Short description


Above is what happens on google maps when you enter a string that doesn't match a place. There's an event handle exposed for when there are no suggestions returned, but no easy way to provide a "no results found" dropdown result.

I imagine that this could pretty easily be an additional prop. Is there another way to do this that I'm missing?

santhi-nyros commented 7 years ago

Hi, Any update on this?

ro-ka commented 7 years ago

You can hook into the onSuggestNoResults. A class on the suggest list would be a good addition to simplify adding a message via CSS.

Does the callback help already?

tstirrat15 commented 7 years ago

@ro-ka I'm aware of the event handle, but that only helps for actions/displays outside of the geosuggest - I was thinking of something that's able to leverage the code and styling already in place to display something in the dropdown. Reimplementing a dropdown to use that hook seems kludgy.

I'm imagining something like a noResultsDisplay prop that is just for the content of the dropdown, or something to that effect.

ro-ka commented 7 years ago

Would a class on the suggest list be enough to style it? Could add text via ::before.

IsenrichO commented 7 years ago

Any updates on this? I'd like to echo @tstirrat15 issue.

tstirrat15 commented 7 years ago

@ro-ka the list doesn't render when there are no suggestions, so a ::before wouldn't have an element to attach to.

ro-ka commented 7 years ago

The list does render, it’s just not visible. Another class geosuggest__suggests--no-results could show the list and add a ::before element telling that there are no results. This way it’s completely in the component users hand how to display it. Doing it via JS would mean to add another prop to handle the text to show.

bildschirmfoto 2017-11-10 um 16 13 30

oyeanuj commented 6 years ago

@ro-ka I don't think your suggested solution actually works well for all cases (and feels hackish), having tried it.

I think ideally, like Google Maps, above, you would want the 'No Results' case to be always present incase none of the suggestions match the user's intent. In that case, you'd want that section to be customizable, both in terms of content and interaction. With the ::after or ::before approach, both of those things are not really possible.

I feel like an ideal API would be a parallel to renderSuggestItem, like say renderNoResult, and a click on it would call the callback with the query typed.

Not to harp on an old thread but this thread is continuing the discussion in https://github.com/ubilabs/react-geosuggest/issues/74#issuecomment-264747003 which never really got resolved.

Hope the reasoning above for the additional prop makes sense!

ro-ka commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! We should add the renderNoResult prop then. Would you mind opening a PR for this?