ubiq / UIPs

Ubiq Improvement Proposals
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UIP-10 - Aries hard fork update #10

Closed iquidus closed 2 years ago

iquidus commented 3 years ago

Simple Summary

Enable the outstanding Ethereum Berlin & London network protocol upgrades on the Ubiq network to maintain maximum security and compatibility across networks, in a hard fork named Aries.


Add support for a subset of protocol-impacting changes introduced in the Ethereum (ETH) network via the Berlin & London hardforks. The proposed changes for Ubiqs Aries upgrade include:

EIP omit or include
2565 (ModExp Gas Cost) include
2929 (Gas cost increases for state access opcodes) include
2718 (Typed Transaction Envelope) include
2930 (Optional access lists) include
3198 (BASEFEE opcode) include
3529 (Alternative refund reduction) include
3541 (Reject new contracts starting with the 0xEF byte) include
1559 (Fee market change) omit
3228 (💣 delay) omit

1559 is omitted by default due to its repercussions to the existing monetary policy. If there is demand for 1559 on Ubiq it can be handled separately via its own UIP, and passed through Escher governance.

3198 is to be included for EVM parity, however as 1559 is omitted the BASEFEE opcode will always return 0.

3228 is omitted as it's not applicable (difficulty bomb removed before launch)


Technical specifications for each EIP can be found at those documents respectively:


Adoption of the content of this UIP requires a hard fork as it introduces changes that are not backward compatible.

Will be initially implemented in go-ubiq v5.2.0, with the mainnet activation block first defined in v6.0.0.

Proposed Timeline