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UBQ Contributor Airdrop #90

Closed 0x4007 closed 4 months ago

0x4007 commented 9 months ago

Make a command line tool that will tally up everybody's contributions from the last year.

We can parse all the permits generated across all of our repos and then drop 1 UBQ per dollar earned.

We should run this script when we enable UBQ token payouts

b4s36t4 commented 7 months ago

@pavlovcik Would love to work on this. Can you explain more on this?

ubiquibot[bot] commented 7 months ago

Available commands

- /start: Assign the origin sender to the issue automatically.
- /stop: Unassign the origin sender from the issue automatically.
- /help: List all available commands.
- /autopay: Toggle automatic payment for the completion of the current issue.
- /query: Comments the users multiplier and address
- /multiplier: Set the bounty payout multiplier for a specific contributor, and provide the reason for why. 
  example usage: "/wallet @user 0.5 'Multiplier reason'"
- /allow: Set access control. (Admin Only)
- /wallet: <WALLET_ADDRESS | ENS_NAME>: Register the hunter's wallet address. 
  ex1: /wallet 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  ex2: /wallet vitalik.eth

0x4007 commented 7 months ago
b4s36t4 commented 7 months ago

Cool, Will do that.

b4s36t4 commented 7 months ago


ubiquibot[bot] commented 7 months ago

Deadline Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:05:13 UTC
Registered Wallet 0xCee33C98410DEbe67A319Cb94F39e403435Df319


EtherealGlow commented 6 months ago

@pavlovcik can I do this?

0x4007 commented 6 months ago

Sure just be sure to make it in typescript, using @octokit/rest, and it's executable using tsx.

You will need to print test results as part of the pull request QA or it will not be accepted.

0x4007 commented 6 months ago

The spec states to parse permits not labels.

EtherealGlow commented 6 months ago

how can i qa this, it seems mostly done just need to convert to a csv file

0x4007 commented 6 months ago

Just need to see results and they will be spot checked I don't understand the confusion

EtherealGlow commented 6 months ago

Ubiquibot isn't working for me, I can't create test payment links for a test repo and scan them using this

0x4007 commented 6 months ago

There's plenty of permits that exist on the Ubiquity repositories. You don't need to generate any.

EtherealGlow commented 6 months ago

heres what the command line tool gave me for this issue output (3).xlsx

0x4007 commented 6 months ago

Seems fine just ideally should link the original permit comment in the next column, then of course go through every repository in the ubiquity org. Also you should output csv

EtherealGlow commented 6 months ago

I am assuming 3 minutes is a normal amount of time for scanning a entire repo as big as ubiquibot

EtherealGlow commented 6 months ago

Also which repos do I have to scan (I have already scanned ubiquibot)

EtherealGlow commented 6 months ago

ubiquibot.csv until then, heres the csv for the ubiquibot repo

0x4007 commented 6 months ago


until then, heres the csv for the ubiquibot repo

I think just link the comment instead of all those permits.

You'll need to dynamically get every repo under ubiquity and compile the rewards.

EtherealGlow commented 6 months ago

Aight wait a bit

EtherealGlow commented 6 months ago

output (9).csv

EtherealGlow commented 6 months ago


0x4007 commented 6 months ago

It needs to go through every repo

EtherealGlow commented 6 months ago

It did

EtherealGlow commented 6 months ago

For the repo part I am using GET /orgs/{name}/repos

EtherealGlow commented 6 months ago


EtherealGlow commented 6 months ago


EtherealGlow commented 6 months ago

@pavlovcik should I make a any changes to this or no? I think it works flawlessly

0x4007 commented 6 months ago

I'm currently traveling for new years but I'll check on my computer this week

EtherealGlow commented 6 months ago

@pavlovcik please check out the repo

0x4007 commented 5 months ago

I didn't see you open a PR with the fixes I mentioned that are necessary so what are you referring to?

EtherealGlow commented 5 months ago

Oh I have to open a pr to your fork??

0x4007 commented 5 months ago

Any code changes should link back to this issue for auditing purposes.

What if someone has changed there wallet address https://t.me/UbiquityDAO/1/31798

Don’t worry about that scenario. It can be addressed manually because thats an extreme edge case from what I’ve seen.

EtherealGlow commented 5 months ago


EtherealGlow commented 5 months ago

@pavlovcik for this commits qa I checked internally on my own repo on which it worked, I couldn't test it on the ubiquity repo because I don't have the wallet addresses of the members, how do you suggest I qa this?

0x4007 commented 5 months ago

Here's a backup:

"user_name", "wallet_address", "created_at", "updated_at"
seprintour  0x3623338046b101ecEc741De9C3594CC2176f39E5  2023-04-21 13:23:49 2023-04-21 13:23:49
pwilson77   0x639EeCAA3418AfbAB34A3c5B44cC14A9045D7429  2023-04-23 13:14:14 2023-04-23 13:14:14
Steveantor  0x4841e8153a7b9E8B1F218E42d3cBaEb3e99C28eE  2023-03-28 07:19:43 2023-05-05 10:16:50
zgorizzo69  0x10693e86f2e7151B3010469E33b6C1C2dA8887d6  2023-05-12 16:55:06 2023-05-12 16:55:06
eugenioclrc 0xD75943B4d35770AC8e6E1Ebe26F483DC5282d2AD  2023-05-17 14:14:30 2023-05-17 14:14:30
rotcivegaf  0xDD7Fa234BcF98B71dB490A6d074FA18865c681A4  2023-05-19 16:18:23 2023-05-19 16:18:23
devpanther  0xf76F1ACB66020f893c95371f740549F312DEA3f1  2023-04-09 03:59:48 2023-07-28 09:52:21
web4er  0x1F9FCc0E84dc2094499b848AE37Cd6a51db03Ff2  2023-06-29 11:58:23 2023-07-05 21:44:53
Wholesomebruh   0xD76e43a789489D66Bb5CE56304fC8bb2A084F9F5  2023-08-01 11:48:52 2023-08-01 11:48:52
b4s36t4 0xCee33C98410DEbe67A319Cb94F39e403435Df319  2023-07-06 17:01:46 2023-07-06 17:01:46
QuintusTheFifth 0x7b3813a943391465Dd62B648529c337e52FbA79b  2023-06-03 23:50:10 2023-06-03 23:50:10
harjaapdhillon16    0x9d4b1a2c56364532b6006d214dba3fe6e89da5ad  2023-06-04 10:55:46 2023-06-04 10:55:46
sweetapplepumpkinpie    0xceb35ce20527b4371f0a9a72f0a1a133075e4aef  2023-06-05 15:40:06 2023-06-05 15:40:06
Venoox  0x999cc482d3b04dd3dF733411687341906989Ec5B  2023-06-05 20:19:09 2023-06-05 20:19:09
AnakinSkywalkeer    0x2bBc6a8314044d70684C74CfA0E117eb75E3708c  2023-06-11 20:52:48 2023-06-11 20:52:48
Draeieg 0xb87d1713f2fade89fe9de557a2e37d10f006a5d1  2023-05-16 22:20:05 2023-06-13 03:47:29
h918m   0x19275E9fD721906F2715D4b78681b49da5088117  2023-06-14 08:08:28 2023-06-14 08:09:30
sergfeldman 0x16B2433b9CF5FF87dE03dDaEea627C9106Ee117a  2023-03-28 20:27:09 2023-07-09 22:41:23
whilefoo    0xA0B11F474d8ECE1205d38c66d5F2bE8917675d60  2023-07-11 17:50:27 2023-07-11 17:50:27
rndquu  0x336C033842FA316d470e820c81b742e62A0765DC  2023-04-11 07:17:56 2023-08-01 16:01:31
tungbq  0xaa13387810931252811186Ff05a467194E41341C  2023-08-01 16:12:26 2023-08-01 16:12:26
aditygrg2   0xB951653877b7D6c9AB26bf5E7f30708fC76f53E0  2023-08-04 17:12:46 2023-08-04 17:12:46
sudotx  0xFEe153CE18Ffb3291011f8cB62C37626230aA62F  2023-08-07 10:29:16 2023-08-07 10:29:16
Sadaf-A 0x0BEd00438D57d07E3667b85Fa8EB86Af147C7025  2023-08-10 17:04:50 2023-08-10 17:04:50
molecula451 0x4D0704f400D57Ba93eEa88765C3FcDBD826dCFc4  2023-06-16 17:28:33 2023-06-16 17:28:33
gitcoindev  0x7e92476D69Ff1377a8b45176b1829C4A5566653a  2023-06-19 09:50:54 2023-06-19 09:50:54
        2023-07-14 08:06:25 2023-07-14 08:06:31
starlitnightsky 0x8c8b5eeea2770e795f2814e802e335bdb9e5a3b0  2023-06-20 00:38:05 2023-06-20 08:50:47
diamondnegroni  0xB49c891C1e1E693958d11F27a920Fee343aEb68d  2023-06-27 02:43:55 2023-06-27 02:43:56
0xcodercrane    0x00868BB3BA2B36316c2fc42E4aFB6D4246b77E46  2023-03-28 02:25:22 2023-08-14 16:02:18
Keyrxng 0xAe5D1F192013db889b1e2115A370aB133f359765  2023-08-20 08:09:23 2023-08-20 08:09:23
Hodlatoor   0x5c747b83f343f642ad983e3cbea04feb37227dfe  2023-04-08 04:17:30 2023-08-20 12:24:58
Ameralameri 0x20fe9f5896a3021ca6ea78005a15ae954dc134e6  2023-06-28 16:12:40 2023-06-28 16:12:40
umershaikh123   0xe17f7ffB49C70635d3428D4eAAcf76DEa457E150  2023-08-21 11:47:17 2023-08-21 11:47:17
PhantomCracker  0xCAC0A8cF4cc7073b040c7fe6328Da7f229AF40A6  2023-05-24 14:30:48 2023-06-30 10:32:05
devtestubq  0xc4fc63d88dd411b19acf86fb56ba50941611b3a7  2023-07-18 19:03:45 2023-07-18 19:03:45
ByteBallet  0xeFeF11577Db8f882F6Bf92F46008170Ba3602D40  2023-07-27 00:07:07 2023-07-27 00:07:07
byteballet  0x30fDdD8b3f3a4183734884b6d383da6bf4bf2cd1  2023-08-15 07:44:09 2023-09-01 13:34:43
rndquu2 0x1688Ae524968aCa90B75B598aA9065d87c2C9CEF  2023-09-01 17:04:22 2023-09-01 17:04:22
FibrinLab   0x3EFFe91C62d1864C3B791Bc7bbD43b68B899d12A  2023-04-02 06:32:09 2023-09-05 08:31:13
GaryThisSidee   0x2bBc6a8314044d70684C74CfA0E117eb75E3708c  2023-09-09 11:11:17 2023-09-09 11:11:17
pavlovcik   0x4007CE2083c7F3E18097aeB3A39bb8eC149a341d  2023-04-26 11:04:22 2023-09-09 13:11:47
wannacfuture    0x9e4EF4353C928cD3eb473E8f12aeCF58C208ef40  2023-06-03 18:03:55 2023-09-23 12:03:19
me505   0x219d695ff93b443fc3E943BD1052805AF83C6612  2023-06-19 12:05:42 2023-10-04 10:29:46
bojan07 0xc6fa133f3290e14Ad91C7449f8D8101A6f894E25  2023-09-08 10:24:49 2023-10-04 15:06:01
EtherealGlow    0x219d695ff93b443fc3E943BD1052805AF83C6612  2023-07-19 17:34:37 2023-10-23 07:53:09
AlooDon 0x38241902297144Df7C30F7De66963059dB143da2  2023-11-16 13:00:59 2023-11-16 13:00:59
evanjonesxx 0xe2111B76461BE1f3Df2E364Be1b18aAB9e4D2469  2023-11-30 10:02:13 2023-11-30 10:02:13
yeshealer   0xA09f6409c2BA41845a878c37639931980476b47c  2023-11-30 14:46:03 2023-11-30 14:46:03
EtherealGlow commented 5 months ago

Aight thanks, appreciate it

EtherealGlow commented 5 months ago

here output.csv

EtherealGlow commented 5 months ago

it works now

0x4007 commented 5 months ago

It is missing a lot of permits, including this for the assignee https://github.com/ubiquity/business-development/issues/60#issuecomment-1637052565

EtherealGlow commented 5 months ago


EtherealGlow commented 5 months ago

It was a pesky case sensitivity bug, squashed it. Heres the result output (3).csv

0x4007 commented 5 months ago

You need to check your work before submitting it. I can't spend this much time clarifying instructions.

This permit is not in your spreadsheet. https://github.com/ubiquity/business-development/issues/38#issuecomment-1653564466

EtherealGlow commented 5 months ago

i painstakingly checked the ones which werent assigned to any hunter, I am 90% sure that the ones that are not assigned to anyone is just because of the wallet addresses not being found

EtherealGlow commented 5 months ago

output (4).csv

EtherealGlow commented 5 months ago


EtherealGlow commented 5 months ago


EtherealGlow commented 5 months ago


EtherealGlow commented 5 months ago

Also I have a request, whenever you are free can you point out mistakes on how i work, I really want to get a internship by 16 so I wanna improve how I work

EtherealGlow commented 5 months ago

It's been 10 days now