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Grant and Proposal documents
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DRAFT Grant for the DevPool #12

Open sergfeldman opened 1 year ago

sergfeldman commented 1 year ago

Discussed in https://github.com/orgs/ubiquity/discussions/20

Originally posted by **sergfeldman** February 26, 2023 **Previous draft** https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UZmmctl3wHlxnd1CdTe6rUKA5OACfdfty_07hZi7bu8/edit?usp=sharing ### Options of grant providers Priority - Optimism - GitHub Not priority - BSC - Arbitrum - Polygon - TBD ### Optimism grant links **Info** https://community.optimism.io/docs/governance/allocations/#airdrop-1 https://gov.optimism.io/c/proposals/governance-fund-phase-1-proposals/40 https://gov.optimism.io/t/governance-fund-phase-1-how-to-create-a-proposal/216 https://gov.optimism.io/c/proposals/grants-council/51 **Template** https://gov.optimism.io/t/grant-proposal-template/3233/12 https://gov.optimism.io/t/draft-gf-phase-1-proposal-oayc/4341 **https://gov.optimism.io/t/grants-proposal-template-cycle-11/5291** ### Common info for the grant application - About Ubiquity - Problems/pain points that DevPool is solving - About DevPool and its uniqueness - Benefits for the grant provider - Terms of the grant and request for grant amount ### About Ubiquity Ubiquity DAO is the metaverse bank. We allow GameFi companies to focus on the “Game” while we focus on the “Fi.” Our core mission is to stabilize metaverse economies by implementing sound monetary and fiscal policies while simultaneously increasing capital efficiencies. Our flagship product is the Ubiquity Dollar: the stablecoin of crypto gaming. Ubiquity is actively developing an ecosystem of products, including but not limited to, a metaverse loyalty program to incentivize NFT users, debt-boosted yield aggregators, and the UbiquiStick NFT. Links https://ubq.fi/ https://twitter.com/UbiquityDAO https://t.me/ubiquitydao https://github.com/ubiquity ### Problems/pain points that DevPool is solving **Crypto projects pain points** - **Operational limitations** The operational throughput is limited by the capacity of internal developers. The scaling of the throughput is not easy and smooth. - **Cost of development** The total cost of development is pretty high, i.e. expenses on Engineering Management. The onboarding of new developers requires specific effort. - **Solution quality** The overall solution quality is limited by the level of internal developers. ### About DevPool and its uniqueness DevPool https://dao.ubq.fi/devpool **Benefits for crypto projects** Implementing part of the development through bounties: - Increase operational throughput and scale the development easily. - Decrease the total cost of development because bounties are paid only after the task is done. - Increases overall quality because tasks are performed by the different developers that naturally audit code, find problems, and propose better solutions. **1. Easy scalability** - The operational throughput is significantly increased by the developers from GitHub and UviquiBot automation. - The scaling and flexibility of development are easily increased. **2. Decreased cost of development** - Total cost of development is decreased because of the "pay only for done tasks" approach (i.e. expenses on Engineering Management). - The onboarding of new developers is simplified. **3. GitHub-native usability** - All the GitHub tools are available. - The routine task activity is automated via UbiquiBot. - There is no need to maintain tasks on a separate freelance platform. **4. Increased solution quality** - The overall quality of the solution increased because tasks are performed by the different developers that naturally audit code, find problems, and propose better solutions. - Fresh ideas and approaches came from the cooperation with the talents available on GitHub. ### Benefits for the grant provider TBD ### Terms of the grant and request for grant amount TBD
sergfeldman commented 1 year ago

@Hodlatoor This information is for you :)

Hodlatoor commented 1 year ago

received. Thanks! :)