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Discuss how to engage Paradigm #12

Open sergfeldman opened 8 months ago

sergfeldman commented 8 months ago


Paradigm https://www.paradigm.xyz/ is one of the top partners for our Series A fundraising. There is no defined approach on how to engage Paradigm.

All the ideas on how to engage Paradigm are welcomed. Some of my proposals are below.


Paradigm broadening crypto-only focus to areas including AI https://www.theblock.co/post/232247/crypto-vc-paradigm-ai

Paradigm Jumps Web3 & Crypto Ship to Embrace AI and Tech Investments https://beincrypto.com/paradigm-web3-crypto-embrace-ai-tech-investments/

Web3 + AI is an interesting combination not only for Paradigm.

Alex mentioned regarding Maker DAO https://github.com/ubiquity/business-development/issues/64

a pitch in the way that rune would respond well to (more visionary/lean heavily on AI

Interesting mechanics

Based on the experience of a few projects we can see that Paradigm likes interesting mechanics.

A recent investment https://tokeninsight.com/en/news/decentralized-social-platform-friend.tech-received-investment-from-paradigm

Other examples include Blur mechanics for airdrop, others TBD

To engage Paradigm, we could:

If new tokens are introduced, Ubiquity seed investors will get an appropriate share of new Ubiquity tokens.

Such approach can attract the attention of not only VCs, but also Open Source projects as DevPool partners.

Ecosystem for Open Source development

Current Ubiquity product offering is not coherent. Our crypto part with Ubiquity Dollar is not really related to non-crypto part with DevPool and GitHub automations.

It could be more effective for conversation with VCs to re-position our product offering into a coherent ecosystem with a single concise mission.

For example, this mission can be "Drive Open Source development":

Less valuable - explore NFT

Explore abilities to use NFT, dynamic NFT, AI NFT to engage Paradigm

0x4007 commented 2 months ago

Paradigm is good but their reputation drastically fell after their involvement with Blast. I think they could still be good partners but they are no longer on the top of the list.