Assuming that there is only one ens registrar in existence (on mainnet) perhaps we should query mainnet for the wallet address on any evm network?
If there are multiple ens registrars then we need to consider if we should reject this proposal or if we should add an edge case support for the specific network (and if the current repository is set to issue payments on that network)
According to my brief research, the only other deployments are on test networks (ropsten, goerli etc) which can be safely ignored.
Error: Error: network does not support ENS (operation="getResolver", network="xdai", code=UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, version=providers/5.7.2)
Multiple competing ENS registrars are like ETHPos and ETHPow
Whichever gets the majority support should win,
So far other EVM chains haven't decided to mess around with the mainnet.
On gnosis chain ens does not resolve.
Assuming that there is only one ens registrar in existence (on mainnet) perhaps we should query mainnet for the wallet address on any evm network?
If there are multiple ens registrars then we need to consider if we should reject this proposal or if we should add an edge case support for the specific network (and if the current repository is set to issue payments on that network)
According to my brief research, the only other deployments are on test networks (ropsten, goerli etc) which can be safely ignored.
Originally posted by @ubiquibot in