ubiquity / ubiquity-os-kernel

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Configuration validation and annotations on errors #80

Open gentlementlegen opened 2 months ago

gentlementlegen commented 2 months ago

In the bot v1, when the configuration is changed, annotations are added to the configuration file if any error is encountered within the configuration. It would be really nice to have for v2 as it is a common scenario to have an invalid configuration and have no feedback about it because the error would only be visible within the worker logs.

The main challenge is that only plugins are aware of their configuration shape, so probably the kernel should call every plugin to check their validity, which would require an endpoint or some access to the configuration validators. At the same time, the manifest.json validity could be checked, relating to https://github.com/ubiquity/ubiquibot-kernel/issues/78.

Since this might imply quite a few network requests, we can also consider having this functionality as a separate Worker using service binding.

0x4007 commented 1 month ago

Since this might imply quite a few network requests

I think its fine given that we can make 5000 requests per hour, per organization, before we get rate limited as an app. Lets keep it simple and not do the separate Worker. Config changes do not happen regularly.

gentlementlegen commented 1 month ago

@0x4007 What you say is valid for the GitHub API. But Workers are limited to 50 requests per run / instance.

0x4007 commented 1 month ago

We can do this in a plugin instead?

gentlementlegen commented 1 month ago

I thought about it, but it means that the plugin should have access to the private repo containing the configuration and should be able to read / write which seems dangerous. Or maybe we can run that plugin within the configuration repo itself. But if we do so we cannot handle per repo based configurations I think

0x4007 commented 1 month ago

Or maybe we can run that plugin within the configuration repo itself.

Cool idea

But if we do so we cannot handle per repo based configurations I think

Research will reveal the answer!

gentlementlegen commented 3 weeks ago


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gentlementlegen commented 3 weeks ago

What should be done beyond the kernel side changes: Each plugin should have an entry point for validation on Workers, and an Action script for Actions.

0x4007 commented 3 weeks ago

Each plugin should have an entry point for validation on Workers, and an Action script for Actions.

Can you elaborate this isn't clear to others

gentlementlegen commented 3 weeks ago

The kernel workflow should be the following:

  1. The kernel receives a push event
  2. The kernel figures out it is the configuration file
  3. The kernel will, for each plugin inside the configuration, poke and endpoint for Workers and an Action for Actions that will parse the configuration and return validation errors
  4. I think the kernel should also put a warning on endpoints it cannot reach and ignore the plugin without breaking the whole configuration
  5. The kernel will eventually post annotation if any issue is found, or a message saying the configuration is valid

The v1 had a similar workflow. I think this is important to have this functionality specially for newcomers that could be confused about the configuration, or avoid breaking it during development and updates.

gentlementlegen commented 2 weeks ago

@0x4007 I've seen you mentioning an issue about the base multiplier having changed for v2, and indeed it was reset to 1. Put it back to 3 as it was in v1.

gentlementlegen commented 5 days ago

@0x4007 Would something similar to the following format be satisfactory? It gives the error and link the corresponding line with a preview:

0x4007 commented 5 days ago

Not sure let's try. Make sure it comments on the commit AND tags the author to urgently notify them that there is something wrong.

gentlementlegen commented 5 days ago

Yes the comment above was a comment on the commit. Example test run: https://github.com/Meniole/ubiquibot-config/commit/f64b4023cbff5b45b4ae39ab0fb1fadb30db83d6#commitcomment-146939444

0x4007 commented 5 days ago

Also use the


my message


The red one whatever the syntax is

gentlementlegen commented 4 days ago

Progress update: I finally got the Action plugins to validate themselves, was trickier because everything is asychronous. So I had a design question: since I have to listen for Actions to finish validating, currently what happens is that each plugin will add its own message, like so:


Maybe that would be too noisy since a user would get tag each time a plugin is done validating. So maybe what we can consider:

Downsize of reducing noise by editing the message is that every plugin will be async and maybe errors keep coming after the user thought the configuration was valid. What do you think? Another run example: https://github.com/Meniole/ubiquibot-config/commit/3e9152e3eadd98ef20b10bfba7529533ed392c46

0x4007 commented 3 days ago

Yes do both of your suggestions

0x4007 commented 1 day ago

Oh I thought the validator is one and done inside the kernel. This approach across every plugin seems wrong.

This can be dynamic by reading the plugin ajv validator files

gentlementlegen commented 1 day ago

@0x4007 I think it makes more sense to have it within the plugin itself, we could even have it within our SDK for simplicity. I do not see how the kernel can understand plugin configurations.

0x4007 commented 1 day ago

My idea was to import and run the ajv validation code. Could be risky but maybe there's a way to quarantine it in a way that's not too complex.

gentlementlegen commented 1 day ago

We do not use ajv anywhere, because ajv cannot run within workers. Beyond being very risky and prone to code injection, some plugins have very complex configurations spread across multiple files, like conversation-rewards how could we handle this? Some other plugins have runtime encode / decode, or types generated through import of third party libraries (for example GitHub roles that are generated from an enum). That seemed way too complex to just read the configuration file, it is much simpler to reuse the code already implemented within the plugin itself, since every plugin already validates its own payload.

Also, in the case of workers, the kernel does not know which repository they refer too, so we should serve the file as plain text on the endpoint which doesn't seem elegant.

Another advantage of using directly the plugin is that currently it also detects invalid GitHub / Worker environment variables which is very helpful.

0x4007 commented 1 day ago

I think we need to figure this out eventually because of the marketplace/plugin installer feature

gentlementlegen commented 1 day ago

I think it is quite straightforward for Workers, too slow for Actions. Maybe eventually we will need to have an endpoint for all the plugins. I don't see how we can have the kernel itself handle this because:

If we can solve all of these then the kernel should be able to just import the configuration type files and read them.

0x4007 commented 1 day ago

My vision is not too different from a Docker-like approach. We can spin up a virtual shell as a child process, which then runs its own node.js instance.

I think it is quite straightforward for Workers, too slow for Actions. Maybe eventually we will need to have an endpoint for all the plugins. I don't see how we can have the kernel itself handle this because:

  • the kernel should parse the included files and retrieve all of them

I think we just need to send everything, although I'm not fully understanding the context of this statement.

  • in case some external library is linked, the kernel should install it

As in, npm? Knip might be able to help compile these, or there may be some better tools.

  • that open the possibility to inject code, and extremely easy to break as well

Code injection might be acceptable within a virtual shell.

  • we cannot safely read the environment of plugins either, because we would leak secrets

The virtual shell should not have access to the environment secrets.

If we can solve all of these then the kernel should be able to just import the configuration type files and read them.

gentlementlegen commented 1 day ago

Workers do not run node.js but a custom cloudflare-like minimal implementation. Workers do not allow to run external code for security reasons, nor allow child processes, or shells, afaik.

I do not understand the benefit of heavily complexifying this on the kernel, when we already have running endpoints that support all the logic (and Actions are literally dockers themselves). Also I do not understand what Knip is needed for?

Practical example: I need to check if the configuration for conversation-rewards is valid. Here is the configuration file: https://github.com/ubiquibot/conversation-rewards/blob/development/src/configuration/incentives.ts

How can I check that the configuration provided is valid against this?

0x4007 commented 23 hours ago

One expensive idea is to consume the type with o1-mini and then have it post a comment if it thinks that it won't work. I suppose it would unfortunately have to consume the entire plugin codebase before determining this though.

It would be a bit cheaper if we standardize the location of the payload type checker file.

This seems like a bad approach to scale. We could consider making this a standalone plugin which is expensive to run but we can allow partners to opt-out if its too expensive?

In conclusion I don't see a great cheap solution. I think we should handle it inside of the plugins as you are doing, and then in the future we automate plugin configuration using a GUI which can prevent misconfiguration? Perhaps we enforce a standard for plugin developers to follow for it to populate on the GUI and to be configurable?

gentlementlegen commented 6 hours ago

I think running in their own plugin is the cheapest way we can use for now. For the GUI, it would be no problem with Worker ones as the response would be instantaneous on a bad configuration, but Actions would take like a minute to validate which would be a bummer for a UI, so that's the part we should figure out. One thing that @whilefoo pointed out is serve the configuration schema through the manifest, which could have been a solution if we find a way to compile the schema in such a way it contains every needed info that could be interpreted by the kernel correctly.

whilefoo commented 31 minutes ago

Yeah my first idea was that worker plugins could serve configuration schema through the manifest but that's too cumbersome to write in the manifest so instead it could just convert typebox schema to json schema and send it over a dedicated endpoint, but the problem is with action plugins because we can't get a fast and sync response