ublue-os / cosmic

A Fedora Atomic based OSTree Image with the COSMIC desktop environment. Thanks to Drakulix for initial image.
Apache License 2.0
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Meta: Package suggestions for Cosmic #73

Open idnovic opened 3 weeks ago

idnovic commented 3 weeks ago

My package suggestions. I added them all and other users may benefit from them too.

From repo

From https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/wiiznokes/cosmic-applets-unofficial

idnovic commented 3 weeks ago

Optionally to allow a theme to be set cross ui toolkit. I may have found a few of them in copr repos. Basically UI to set a specific GTK and QT theme.

idnovic commented 3 weeks ago

Note for Seahorse: A keychain should be added but currently it is not auto unlocked. Note for nw-look: An alternative to it is lxappearance from the repos but it pulls lxde desktop. lxappearance is supposed to be a standalone app. In Arch Linux it did not pull the whole desktop.

idnovic commented 3 weeks ago

I basically added a few GUI apps. Cosmic is very barebones atm. Some of them offer an applet if we add -applet packages too. But an extra applet for networking and bluetooth does not make much sense because Cosmic already offers a basic applet for these functions. (e.g. firewall-applet; network-manager-applet; system-config-printer-applet)