ubnt-intrepid / dot

Yet another management tool for dotfiles
MIT License
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dot conflicts with graphviz dot program #14

Open dsisnero opened 5 years ago

dsisnero commented 5 years ago

dot is a very widely used command already for the graphviz program

dataf3l commented 4 years ago

I also came here to say the exact same thing. I love that there are new programs and new creativity, please let's be creative and invent a new name, so there is no naming conflict. unfortunately, I have no suggestions, what about "dotfiles" ?

marcfrederick commented 4 years ago

There's already a dotfile manager named dotfiles. Maybe something like dotman (for dotfile manager) could work?

daveloyall commented 4 years ago

Agreed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphviz is installed on all my machines. The binary is generally /usr/bin/dot.

Could anything destructive happen, theoretically, if somebody tried to invoke your dot with command line options intended for the graphviz dot?

For your convenience:

Usage: dot [-Vv?] [-(GNE)name=val] [-(KTlso)<val>] <dot files>
(additional options for neato)    [-x] [-n<v>]
(additional options for fdp)      [-L(gO)] [-L(nUCT)<val>]
(additional options for memtest)  [-m<v>]
(additional options for config)  [-cv]

 -V          - Print version and exit
 -v          - Enable verbose mode
 -Gname=val  - Set graph attribute 'name' to 'val'
 -Nname=val  - Set node attribute 'name' to 'val'
 -Ename=val  - Set edge attribute 'name' to 'val'
 -Tv         - Set output format to 'v'
 -Kv         - Set layout engine to 'v' (overrides default based on command name)
 -lv         - Use external library 'v'
 -ofile      - Write output to 'file'
 -O          - Automatically generate an output filename based on the input filename with a .'format' appended. (Causes all -ofile options to be ignored.)
 -P          - Internally generate a graph of the current plugins.
 -q[l]       - Set level of message suppression (=1)
 -s[v]       - Scale input by 'v' (=72)
 -y          - Invert y coordinate in output

 -n[v]       - No layout mode 'v' (=1)
 -x          - Reduce graph

 -Lg         - Don't use grid
 -LO         - Use old attractive force
 -Ln<i>      - Set number of iterations to i
 -LU<i>      - Set unscaled factor to i
 -LC<v>      - Set overlap expansion factor to v
 -LT[*]<v>   - Set temperature (temperature factor) to v

 -m          - Memory test (Observe no growth with top. Kill when done.)
 -m[v]       - Memory test - v iterations.

 -c          - Configure plugins (Writes $prefix/lib/graphviz/config
               with available plugin information.  Needs write privilege.)
 -?          - Print usage and exit

...where "dot files" are plain text documents which contain ALGOL-like syntax (and sometimes an embedded SGML-like syntax).

ubnt-intrepid commented 4 years ago

Thanks for report the problem. This project was originally started for my personal configuration management and its naming did not consider the environment with Graphviz. I agree that the project name needs to be changed, so that users who uses the environment with Graphviz's dot allows to use this tool.

I currently don't have any idea for a new project name, but I'd like to change it as soon as it is decided (the renaming will do at the same time as the CI migration).

Note: since dotman already exists on crates.io, we need to choose a different name for package publishing in the future.

daveloyall commented 4 years ago

dotrs or dotters? (rs for Rust.)

marcfrederick commented 4 years ago

I don't think including the language (Rust) in the name is a good idea, since the choice of language does not really matter or differentiate this project from others.

waxlamp commented 4 years ago

How about dotmatrix?

sbanwart commented 4 years ago

Looks like dotmgr and dotfm are available on crates.io.

pickfire commented 4 years ago

How about tod?

mborejdo commented 4 years ago

dort (also german, meaning "there", much better than tod, which means dead :-))

pickfire commented 4 years ago

Or it could be dian which means dot in chinese.

liketechnik commented 4 years ago

In relation to https://github.com/void-linux/void-packages/pull/20679#issuecomment-609459405: Is there a timescale planned for the rename? It would be nice to not have to rename the package after adding later on, so it would be helpful to get get some more info.

Techcable commented 2 years ago

One of the things I like about this project is that it's based on symbolic links.

I propose the name linkman: A manager for dotfile links 😄

I reserved it on crates.io 😉