uboslinux / ubos-admin

UBOS administration tools
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createsite fails to install nextcloud #750

Closed louisdorard closed 4 years ago

louisdorard commented 4 years ago

ubos-admin createsite fails after specifying nextcloud when prompted "First app to run". The error message is "ERROR: Failed to install package(s): nextcloud. Pacman says: error: target not found: nextcloud".

I tried ubos-admin update but got "No packages installed or upgraded."

I tried pacman -S nextcloud but got "error: target not found: nextcloud"

I'm using ubos on raspberry pi 1. I downloaded and wrote ubos_yellow_armv6h-rpi_LATEST.img on the pi's SD card on July 16, 2020.

jernst commented 4 years ago

Nextcloud has become too resource-consuming to run on the Pi 1 and similar devices. So we don't build it for armv6h any more because there is no point. Here is the JSON that defines what architecture gets which apps: https://github.com/uboslinux/ubos-buildconfig/tree/master/hl/us

louisdorard commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your reply @jernst! I feel like this should be explained in the UBOS documentation. Unfortunately I don't have sufficient technical knowledge in this area to understand the contents of the directory you shared...

On my way to order a brand new Pi 4!

jernst commented 4 years ago

Yea, we should include this in the text documentation. (Created an issue.) There isn't a good way of automating this right now, which why it hasn't happened. Re Pi4, the next UBOS update will support the Pi4 (fingers crossed), but it hasn't been released yet. Just to warn you :-)

louisdorard commented 4 years ago

OK! Thanks for the warning Johannes!