In the VM's Settings / Options / Sharing / "Share custom Mac folders with Linux" / "Manage folders": select ~/git on the host, as git, "Read & Write"
In the VM, sudo mount --bind /mnt/psf/git ~git
This allows us to have a single location for the git repos across host (mac), VM (arch) and container (UBOS).
This does not work on VirtualBox, because VirtualBox does not preserve symlinks across the VM/host boundary, and the "makepkg" build process needs them
In the Parallels setup:
sudo mount --bind /mnt/psf/git ~git
This allows us to have a single location for the git repos across host (mac), VM (arch) and container (UBOS).
This does not work on VirtualBox, because VirtualBox does not preserve symlinks across the VM/host boundary, and the "makepkg" build process needs them