ubports / ubports-installer

A simple tool to install Ubuntu Touch on UBports devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
546 stars 120 forks source link

Error: systemimage: Error: Error: {"error":{"killed":false,"code":1,"signal [...] serdata on /data failed: Invalid argument\r\n'true' �����ڲ����ⲿ���Ҳ���ǿ����еij���\r\n���������ļ���"} #1474

Closed Lup1ng closed 4 years ago

Lup1ng commented 4 years ago

UBports Installer 0.5.5-beta (exe) Environment: Microsoft Windows 10 רҵ�� 10.0.19041 win32 10.0.19041 x64 19041 0.0 with Node.js v12.16.3 Device: oneplus3 Target OS: Ubuntu Touch Settings: undefined OPEN-CUTS run: https://ubports.open-cuts.org/run/5f971f849702a600079d9776 Log: https://paste.ubuntu.com//p/MnH36QPBWB/


Error: systemimage: Error: Error: {"error":{"killed":false,"code":1,"signal":null,"cmd":"\"C:\\Users\\win\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\1jEGR4gMaC9f8ld9LBTy2FuZjXT\\resources\\app.asar.unpacked\\node_modules\\android-tools-bin\\dist\\win32\\x86\\adb.exe\" -P 5037 shell mount -a || true"},"stdout":"","stderr":"mount: mounting /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/userdata on /data failed: Invalid argument\r\n'true' �����ڲ����ⲿ���Ҳ���ǿ����еij���\r\n���������ļ���"}
NeoTheThird commented 4 years ago

Sorry about that. A fix will be included in 0.5.7-beta

Lup1ng commented 4 years ago

Same happened in 0.6.0beta

NeoTheThird commented 4 years ago

Weird, could you send me a log? sorry about that...

Lup1ng commented 4 years ago

https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JDjbRzxDgZ/ Looks the same as last time, after rebooting into recovery.

NeoTheThird commented 4 years ago

Interesting, thanks. Will keep digging.

julianpoemp commented 4 years ago

same issue here: Error: systemimage: Error: Error: {"error":{"killed":false,"code":1,"signal":null,"cmd":"\"C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\1jZdYrkqnbzAZoGRTA5fqH0JXK9\resources\app.asar.unpacked\node_modules\android-tools-bin\dist\win32\x86\adb.exe\" -P 5037 shell 'mount -a || true'"},"stdout":"","stderr":"/sbin/sh: no closing quote\r\nDer Befehl \"true'\" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder\r\nkonnte nicht gefunden werden."} Translation of the last part: The command is either wrong typed or could not be found

More information:

XtofHeylands commented 4 years ago

Same happened to me in version 0.7.0-beta

UBports Installer 0.7.0-beta (exe) Environment: Microsoft Windows 10 Home 10.0.18363 win32 10.0.18363 x64 18363 0.0 NodeJS v12.16.3 Device: angler nexus 6P Target OS: Ubuntu Touch Settings: undefined OPEN-CUTS run: https://ubports.open-cuts.org/run/5faaaa469702a600079dbcda Log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cfcNvQNMVx/

NeoTheThird commented 4 years ago

sigh, thanks

NeoTheThird commented 4 years ago

Alright, i don't think the true issue actually still happens with 0.7.0-beta. All reports are 0.6.0-beta or earlier.

@XtofHeylands your issue is actually different, we'll track that separately. This is your error:

error: Error: fastboot:flash: Error: Flashing failed: {"error":{"code":1},"stderr":"The system cannot find the path specified."}
stack trace: Error: Flashing failed: {"error":{"code":1},"stderr":"The system cannot find the path specified."}
    at C:\Users\xtofh\AppData\Local\Temp\1k2qLsXkOGbeMaJ8ZAVO1Be99hN\resources\app.asar\node_modules\promise-android-tools\src\fastboot.js:157:15
    at C:\Users\xtofh\AppData\Local\Temp\1k2qLsXkOGbeMaJ8ZAVO1Be99hN\resources\app.asar\node_modules\cancelable-promise\dist\CancelablePromise.js:27:18
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)