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Battery level incorrect #466

Open Fazarel opened 6 years ago

Fazarel commented 6 years ago

Here a bug with the solution to help users who would encounter the same problem.


After changing the battery with a new one, the battery level displayed was incorrect (e. g. 71% after a full charge, 61% at the next charge, then 39%...). However, the capacity was correct with a duration of more than 24 hours in normal use.


I found the solution here : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-power/+bug/1473428/comments/11

1) turn the phone off 2) plug in the recharge cable and wait for the screen to indicate it is charging and then go blank (important) 3) unplug and turn on and all is well

The indicated level now corresponds to the battery condition.

javierpuche commented 5 years ago

I can confirm the solution. After changing battery I had an anomalous behaviour: device powered off when going below 30% battery and then it did start charging at 0%. I followed the proposed solution (plug-in recharge, wait for screen, go blank and unplug, turn on) but just after charging 2% (it did not let power on with less battery) Then when I powered on it showed 5% charge and from that moment on my mx4 is able to go under 30% without powering off.

javierpuche commented 5 years ago

Ups, it failed again (powering off when going below 30% and start charging at 0%) Maybe after an upgrade (I am in devel) or maybe I have a faulty battery and it is a hardware issue. Anyhow I could correct the faulty behavior with the same method again.

javierpuche commented 5 years ago

Definitely I loose battery calibration with every system upgrade. Anyhow I continue not to discard a faulty battery, but it is weird that it works "correctly" after applying the proposed solution and then it fails again after system upgrades.

wesertrainer commented 5 years ago

I can confirm this behaviour since the update to 16.04. I operate three MEIZU MX 4 devices. Two of them are still operating on 15.04 doing well. The upgraded device running 16.04 gets more and more worse with every update. Now the calibration has been lost completely and the device has an operating time of only some minutes up to 1 hour max. The device shuts down at 83 %. indicated battery volume. ubports mx4-arale-battery-drain-01 ubports mx4-arale-battery-drain-02

Fazarel commented 5 years ago

On my device (updated to 16.04, OTA-6), the battery level is correct just after the solution described in the initial message and then becomes more and more inaccurate (randomly over or under estimated)

As indicated in this message : https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/818#issuecomment-418491868

wesertrainer commented 5 years ago

Good news, I was able to fix the problem for me. After installing a new battery the problem got worse. The new battery first had been charged up 100 % then lost capacity again within minutes to shutdown. So the indication had been also incorrect again.

Then I replaced the Charging Port Bord (very simple procedure) and the problem has been fixed !!! Indication works correct and the battery has full capacity !

May be a hardware failure or damage causes the incorrect indication. Hope that helps !

Martinique commented 5 years ago

I've had similar power issues on MX4 ever since switching from the old Canonical release to UBports (16.04), so a coincidental hardware failure sounds a bit unlikely. I believe the battery is still quite OK, as the device can idle for a couple of days after a full charge, but it often shuts down in just a few minutes of music streaming, web surfing or taking photos – but not during long phone calls, for example. After powering back on, the battery indicator then randomly shows either the expected battery level or more often something near empty. After a reboot or two it eventually starts showing the correct level again, but I can confirm that the workaround mentioned by OP corrects the battery state instantly and consistently.

Even weirder, I've noticed that if I start listening to a stream with uRadio and walk to a nearby shop, a shutdown occurs every time, around the same location, like a scheduled action (~3 minutes) instead of random failure, regardless of battery level. Perhaps this has something to do with 4G signal strength or switching to EDGE/3G in bad spots, because at home this happens far less consistently, after much longer time periods (hours, even). On wifi it doesn't seem to happen at all. It's as if mobile data messes up the battery sensor or the kernel bits responsible for reading it!

Has anyone else noticed a connection between mobile data and battery issues?

Also, does the reason for a shutdown get written to syslog or somewhere else? That'd at least tell whether it's a system emergency or something more abrupt.