ubports / unity8-desktop-install-tools

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Some qml libs are seam to be missing #39

Open delijati opened 5 years ago

delijati commented 5 years ago
% /usr/bin/qmlscene -I lib uMatriks/Main.qml
file:///opt/develop/privat/mobile/ubports/uMatriks/uMatriks/Main.qml:8 module "Ubuntu.PushNotifications" is not installed
file:///opt/develop/privat/mobile/ubports/uMatriks/uMatriks/Main.qml:7 module "Ubuntu.OnlineAccounts.Client" is not installed
file:///opt/develop/privat/mobile/ubports/uMatriks/uMatriks/Main.qml:8 module "Ubuntu.PushNotifications" is not installed
file:///opt/develop/privat/mobile/ubports/uMatriks/uMatriks/Main.qml:7 module "Ubuntu.OnlineAccounts.Client" is not installed
mariogrip commented 5 years ago

Humm these should be installed, i wonder if qmlscene does not include them.

mariogrip commented 5 years ago

Wops, this on desktop i see, i though it was for phone. ok then i understand. Yeah those are not built for desktop yet yeah.

delijati commented 5 years ago

So how to get them into the amd64 build chain?

delijati commented 5 years ago

Are this the missing libs: