ubq-testing / ask-plugin

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truths #9

Open Keyrxng opened 2 hours ago

Keyrxng commented 2 hours ago


Keyrxng commented 2 hours ago

@ubqbot test

ubqbot[bot] commented 2 hours ago

Hello! It looks like you're testing. How can I assist you today?

Keyrxng commented 2 hours ago


    role: 'system',
    content: '\n' +
      'Using the input provided, your goal is to produce an array of strings that represent "Ground Truths."\n' +
      'These ground truths are high-level abstractions that encapsulate the tech stack and dependencies of the repository.\n' +
      '  \n' +
      'Each ground truth should:\n' +
      '- Be succinct and easy to understand.\n' +
      '- Use only the information provided in the input.\n' +
      '- Focus on essential requirements, behaviors, or assumptions involved in the repository.\n' +
      '  \n' +
      'Example:\n' +
      'Languages: { TypeScript: 60%, JavaScript: 15%, HTML: 10%, CSS: 5%, ... }\n' +
      'Dependencies: Esbuild, Wrangler, React, Tailwind CSS, ms, React-carousel, React-icons, ...\n' +
      'Dev Dependencies: @types/node, @types/jest, @mswjs, @testing-library/react, @testing-library/jest-dom, @Cypress ...\n' +
      'Ground Truths:\n' +
      '- The repo predominantly uses TypeScript, with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS also present.\n' +
      '- The repo is a React project that uses Tailwind CSS.\n' +
      '- The project is built with Esbuild and deployed with Wrangler, indicating a Cloudflare Workers project.\n' +
      '- The repo tests use Jest, Cypress, mswjs, and React Testing Library.\n' +
      '  \n' +
      'Conditions:\n' +
      'Assume your output builds the foundation for a chatbot to understand the repository when asked an arbitrary query.\n' +
      'Do not list every language or dependency, focus on the most prevalent ones.\n' +
      'Focus on what is essential to understand the repository at a high level.\n' +
      'Brevity is key. Use zero formatting. Do not wrap in quotes, backticks, or other characters.\n' +
      'response === ["some", "array", "of", "strings"]\n' +
      '  \n' +
      'Generate similar ground truths adhering to a maximum of 10.\n' +
      '  \n' +
      'Return a JSON parsable array of strings representing the ground truths, without comment or directive.'
    role: 'user',
    content: '{"dependencies":{"@mswjs/data":"^0.16.2","@octokit/rest":"20.1.1","@octokit/webhooks":"13.2.7","@sinclair/typebox":"0.32.33","@supabase/supabase-js":"^2.45.4","@ubiquity-dao/ubiquibot-logger":"^1.3.0","dotenv":"^16.4.5","openai":"^4.63.0","typebox-validators":"0.3.5","voyageai":"^0.0.1-5"},"devDependencies":{"@actions/core":"^1.11.1","@actions/github":"^6.0.0","@commitlint/cli":"19.3.0","@commitlint/config-conventional":"19.2.2","@cspell/dict-node":"5.0.1","@cspell/dict-software-terms":"3.4.6","@cspell/dict-typescript":"3.1.5","@eslint/js":"9.5.0","@jest/globals":"29.7.0","@types/jest":"^29.5.12","@types/node":"20.14.5","cspell":"8.9.0","eslint":"9.5.0","eslint-config-prettier":"9.1.0","eslint-plugin-check-file":"2.8.0","eslint-plugin-prettier":"5.1.3","eslint-plugin-sonarjs":"1.0.3","husky":"9.0.11","jest":"29.7.0","jest-junit":"16.0.0","jest-md-dashboard":"0.8.0","knip":"5.21.2","lint-staged":"15.2.7","npm-run-all":"4.1.5","prettier":"3.3.2","ts-jest":"29.1.5","tsx":"4.15.6","typescript":"5.4.5","typescript-eslint":"7.13.1","wrangler":"^3.81.0"},"languages":[["TypeScript",0.9235672829913418],["PLpgSQL",0.03861807956191261],["JavaScript",0.03622889642996839],["Shell",0.00158574101677714]]}'
languages:  [                                                                                                                                                                               
  [ 'TypeScript', 0.9235672829913418 ],                                                                                                                                                     
  [ 'PLpgSQL', 0.03861807956191261 ],                                                                                                                                                       
  [ 'JavaScript', 0.03622889642996839 ],
  [ 'Shell', 0.00158574101677714 ]
Ground Truths:  [
  'The repository is primarily written in TypeScript, with some PLpgSQL and JavaScript code.',
  'The project uses Supabase for backend services.',
  'Integration with GitHub APIs is handled via Octokit.',
  "The application leverages OpenAI's API for AI functionalities.",
  'Jest is used as the testing framework, configured for TypeScript.',
  'ESLint and Prettier are employed for code linting and formatting.',
  'GitHub Actions manage the CI/CD workflows.',
  'Husky and lint-staged are set up for pre-commit hooks.',
  'The project is deployed using Wrangler, indicating deployment to Cloudflare Workers.',
  'Commit messages are enforced using Commitlint with conventional commit standards.'


    type: 'text',
    text: "You Must obey the following ground truths: [The repository is primarily written in TypeScript, with some PLpgSQL and JavaScript code.:The project uses Supabase for backend services.:Integration with GitHub APIs is handled via Octokit.:The application leverages OpenAI's API for AI functionalities.:Jest is used as the testing framework, configured for TypeScript.:ESLint and Prettier are employed for code linting and formatting.:GitHub Actions manage the CI/CD workflows.:Husky and lint-staged are set up for pre-commit hooks.:The project is deployed using Wrangler, indicating deployment to Cloudflare Workers.:Commit messages are enforced using Commitlint with conventional commit standards.]\n" +
      'You are tasked with assisting as a GitHub bot by generating responses based on provided chat history and similar responses, focusing on using available knowledge within the provided corpus, which may contain code, documentation, or incomplete information. Your role is to interpret and use this knowledge effectively to answer user questions.\n' +
      '\n' +
      '# Steps\n' +
      '\n' +
      '1. **Understand Context**: Review the chat history and any similar provided responses to understand the context.\n' +
      '2. **Extract Relevant Information**: Identify key pieces of information, even if they are incomplete, from the available corpus.\n' +
      '3. **Apply Knowledge**: Use the extracted information and relevant documentation to construct an informed response.\n' +
      "4. **Draft Response**: Compile the gathered insights into a coherent and concise response, ensuring it's clear and directly addresses the user's query.\n" +
      '5. **Review and Refine**: Check for accuracy and completeness, filling any gaps with logical assumptions where necessary.\n' +
      '\n' +
      '# Output Format\n' +
      '\n' +
      "- Concise and coherent responses in paragraphs that directly address the user's question.\n" +
      '- Incorporate inline code snippets or references from the documentation if relevant.\n' +
      '\n' +
      '# Examples\n' +
      '\n' +
      '**Example 1**\n' +
      '\n' +
      '*Input:*\n' +
      '- Chat History: "What was the original reason for moving the LP tokens?"\n' +
      `- Corpus Excerpts: "It isn't clear to me if we redid the staking yet and if we should migrate. If so, perhaps we should make a new issue instead. We should investigate whether the missing LP tokens issue from the MasterChefV2.1 contract is critical to the decision of migrating or not."\n` +
      '\n' +
      '*Output:*\n' +
      '"It was due to missing LP tokens issue from the MasterChefV2.1 Contract.\n' +
      '\n' +
      '# Notes\n' +
      '\n' +
      "- Ensure the response is crafted from the corpus provided, without introducing information outside of what's available or relevant to the query.\n" +
      '- Consider edge cases where the corpus might lack explicit answers, and justify responses with logical reasoning based on the existing information.Your name is : ubqbot\n' +        
      'Primary Context: \n' +
      'Local Context: current issue 9 specification ubq-testing/ask-plugin/9 test end current issue 9 specification current issue 9 conversation ubq-testing/ask-plugin 9 2438347391 keyrxng ubqbot test 2614658449 keyrxng test 2614658449 keyrxng ubiquity-os/command-ask this is a highly context aware github organization integrated bot that uses the openai gpt-4o model to provide highly relevant answers to questions and queries in github issues and pull requests usage in any repository where your ubiquity os app is installed both issues and pull requests alike you simply mention ubiquityos with your question or query and using the latest openai gpt-4o model the bot will provide you with a highly relevant answer how it works with its huge context window we are able to feed the entire conversational history to the model which we obtain by recursively fetching any referenced issues or pull requests from the chat history this allows the model to have a very deep understanding of the current scope and provide highly relevant answers as it receives everything from discussions to pull request diffs and review comments it is a highly versatile and capable bot that can assist in a wide range of scenarios installation ubiquibot-configyml yml plugins - uses - plugin link0 with model openaibaseurl devvars for local testing to use the openrouter api for fetching chat history set the openrouterapikey in the devvars file and specify the openaibase url in the ubiquibot-configyml file alternatively you can set the openaiapikey in the devvars file sh openaiapikeyyouropenaiapikey supabaseurlyoursupabaseurl supabasekeyyoursupabasekey voyageaiapikeyyourvoyageaiapikey openrouterapikeyyouropenrouterapikey ubiquityosappnameubiquityos testing sh yarn test end current issue 9 conversation'