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Perp QA #18

Open Keyrxng opened 8 months ago

Keyrxng commented 8 months ago

I need spoof issue specs to be used to test two LLM models

Keyrxng commented 8 months ago

/ask Create me 3 spoof issue specs that I can use to test AI. They should vary from short and easy to mid-long and complex. I'm testing which is best at extracting relevant context inferred from both the question and the peripheral context such as issue conversation and specification.

ubqbot[bot] commented 8 months ago




Encoder Model: SPP > 127 tokens

Perp Response

Sure, here are three spoof issue specs that you can use to test two LLM models:

Spoof issue spec 1 (Short and Easy):

Title: Describe the weather in New York City.

Body: What is the current temperature and weather conditions in New York City?

Spoof issue spec 2 (Mid-Long and Complex):

Title: How do you recommend planning a trip to Paris?

Body: What are the best things to do in Paris, where should I stay, what are the best restaurants to try, and how much should I budget for the trip? Include any relevant information such as visa requirements and currency exchange rates.

Spoof issue spec 3 (Long and Complex):

Title: How can I optimize my marketing strategy for my new startup?

Body: What are the best marketing channels to use for reaching potential customers, what is the most effective way to pricing your products, and how can you measure the success of your marketing campaign? Include any relevant information such as industry trends and customer behaviours.

I hope these issue specs work well for your testing purposes!

GPT Response

Here are three spoof issue specs that vary in length and complexity:

  1. Short and Easy:

    • Issue Title: "Button Color"
    • Issue Description: "Change the color of the button on the homepage to blue."
    • Relevant Context: The user wants to modify the color of a button on a specific webpage.
  2. Mid-Length and Moderate Complexity:

    • Issue Title: "User Registration"
    • Issue Description: "Implement user registration functionality, including email verification and password reset."
    • Relevant Context: The user needs to add user registration features to a website, including email verification and password reset functionality.
  3. Long and Complex:

    • Issue Title: "Performance Optimization"
    • Issue Description: "Identify and resolve performance bottlenecks in the backend API, specifically related to database queries and response times."
    • Relevant Context: The user wants to improve the performance of a backend API by addressing issues related to database queries and response times.

These spoof issue specs vary in length and complexity, allowing you to test the AI's ability to extract relevant context from different types of issues.

GPT Tokens

Keyrxng commented 8 months ago

Bro? lmao

Keyrxng commented 8 months ago

/ask These are poor in quality, let's step it up. Have each issue be themed in software development, as a bonus have the niche be Web3 based.

Increase the issue spec content that would be representative of real world, full size issues.

Return only the new and improved spoof specifications

ubqbot[bot] commented 8 months ago




Encoder Model: SPP > 127 tokens

Perp Response

Here are three spoof issue specs based on the theme of software development and Web3:

Spoof issue spec 1 (Short and Easy): Title: Fix a bug in smart contract deployment

Login: xyzbrowser@gmail.com Body: Please help me fix a bug I encountered during the deployment of my smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain. Here's the address where the smart contract is hosted: 0x3786f2e187469BD00aDC2B97E7F2eB8fE6B0d553E4D2d9707a2C4Cf9dC7a266269a5263D4A69e49e5Ba95DDa9e3cb2aBf. The error message I received is as follows: "Internal Compiler Error 132: R : 2 R : 3 : The assembler state is invalid后记行为造成无法继续执行该ium反应:该任务已执行成功! Please help me resolve this error as soon as possible."

Relevant context: The user is deploying a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain and is encountering an error message during the deployment process, causing the contract to fail.

Spoof issue spec 2 (Mid-Long and Complex): Title: Build a decentralized supply chain platform

Login: arclears@gmail.com Body: I'm building a decentralized supply chain platform that allows companies to transact securely and efficiently on the Ethereum blockchain. I'm looking for guidance on the best way to design and implement this platform, including the smart contract architecture and tokenomics. I're also interested in hearing about best practices for building a decentralized application on top of the Ethereum blockchain.

Relevant context: The user is building a decentralized supply chain platform that will allow companies to transact securely and efficiently on the Ethereum blockchain, and is looking for guidance on the best way to design and implement this platform.

Spoof issue spec 3 (Long and Complex): Title: Conduct a security audit of Ethereum smart contract

Login: brycbryc@gmail.com Body: Can you conduct a security audit of my Ethereum smart contract to identify potential vulnerabilities and risks? The smart contract is used to store sensitive data and monetary transactions, so I want to make sure it's secure. I'd like to see a detailed report of any issues identified, including potential solutions.

Relevant context: The user is using an Ethereum smart contract to store sensitive data and monetary transactions, and wants to ensure the security of the contract by conducting a security audit.

GPT Response

Sure, here are the new and improved spoof issue specifications themed in software development with a Web3 niche:

  1. Issue Title: "Implement Web3 Wallet Integration"

    • Issue Description: "Integrate a Web3 wallet provider, such as MetaMask, into the application to enable users to interact with decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. The integration should include features like account creation, transaction signing, and balance retrieval."
    • Relevant Context: The user wants to add Web3 wallet functionality to their application, allowing users to interact with dApps on the Ethereum blockchain using a wallet provider like MetaMask.
  2. Issue Title: "Smart Contract Development for NFT Marketplace"

    • Issue Description: "Develop smart contracts for a Web3-based NFT marketplace. The smart contracts should support features like minting and transferring NFTs, listing NFTs for sale, and handling transactions securely. Consider implementing additional functionalities like royalties, bidding, and metadata storage."
    • Relevant Context: The user needs to create smart contracts for a Web3-based NFT marketplace, enabling users to mint, buy, sell, and trade NFTs with additional features like royalties and bidding.
  3. Issue Title: "Optimize Web3 Application Performance"

    • Issue Description: "Identify and resolve performance bottlenecks in a Web3 application. Analyze the codebase, optimize smart contract interactions, reduce gas costs, and improve overall responsiveness. Consider implementing caching mechanisms, optimizing data fetching, and minimizing unnecessary blockchain interactions."
    • Relevant Context: The user wants to improve the performance of their Web3 application by addressing issues related to smart contract interactions, gas costs, and overall responsiveness.

These new and improved spoof issue specifications are themed in software development with a Web3 niche and provide more detailed and representative content of real-world, full-size issues.

GPT Tokens

Keyrxng commented 8 months ago

/ask these are much better. Create another unique set of spoof specs

ubqbot[bot] commented 8 months ago

Perp Tokens


GPT Tokens


Perp Response

Here are three more spoof issue specs themed in software development with a Web3 niche, with additional context and a more unique approach:

  1. Issue Title: "Design and Develop a Decentralized Messaging Platform"
    • Issue Description: "Develop a decentralized messaging platform that enables end-to-end encryption, secure sharing of files, and integration with Web3 technologies like smart contracts and NFTs. Create user interfaces for both desktop and mobile devices, and implement features such as user authentication, message history, and personalized customization."
    • Relevant context: The user wants to create a decentralized messaging platform that prioritizes privacy and security, with seamless integration with Web3 technologies.
  2. Issue Title: "Implement a Blockchain-Based Voting System"
    • Issue Description: "Design and develop a secure and transparent blockchain-based voting system, ensuring that voters can cast their ballots anonymously and that voting results are auditable. Consider implementing features like voter registration, electronic voting, and vote tallies, as well as integrating with existing voting infrastructure if required."
    • Relevant context: The user wants to create a reliable and secure voting system with blockchain technology, addressing issues related to transparency, traceability, and anonymity.
  3. Issue Title: "Devise a Decentralized Identity Management System"
    • Issue Description: "Design and implement a decentralized identity management system that allows users to securely store and manage their personal data, while also enabling seamless authentication and authorization across multiple Web3 applications. Consider implementing features like identity verification, access control, and interoperability with existing identity services."
    • Relevant context: The user wants to create a self-sovereigny identity management system that empowers users to control their personal data while also streamlining authentication and authorization across Web3 applications.

GPT Response

Sure, here is another set of unique spoof issue specifications:

  1. Issue Title: "Implement Web3 Voting System"

    • Issue Description: "Develop a Web3-based voting system that allows users to securely cast and count votes on the Ethereum blockchain. The system should support features like voter registration, ballot creation, vote casting, and result tabulation. Consider implementing additional functionalities like voter anonymity, vote verification, and prevention of double voting."
    • Relevant Context: The user needs to create a Web3-based voting system on the Ethereum blockchain, enabling secure and transparent voting with features like voter registration and result tabulation.
  2. Issue Title: "Build a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Protocol"

    • Issue Description: "Design and develop a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol on the Ethereum blockchain. The protocol should support features like lending, borrowing, and yield farming. Consider implementing additional functionalities like flash loans, automated market making (AMM), and governance mechanisms."
    • Relevant Context: The user wants to build a DeFi protocol on the Ethereum blockchain, enabling users to participate in lending, borrowing, and yield farming activities with additional features like flash loans and AMM.
  3. Issue Title: "Create a Web3-Based Decentralized Social Media Platform"

    • Issue Description: "Create a Web3-based decentralized social media platform that allows users to interact, share content, and earn rewards using blockchain technology. The platform should support features like user profiles, content creation, commenting, and token-based incentivization. Consider implementing additional functionalities like decentralized storage, content moderation, and user reputation systems."
    • Relevant Context: The user wants to develop a decentralized social media platform on the Web3 infrastructure, enabling users to interact, share content, and earn rewards through blockchain technology with features like decentralized storage and content moderation.

These spoof issue specifications are focused on software development with a Web3 niche, providing real-world, full-size issue scenarios.

Keyrxng commented 8 months ago

/ask create 2 more spoof specs

ubqbot[bot] commented 8 months ago

Perp Tokens


GPT Tokens


Perp Response

  1. issue title: "develop a web3-based secure messaging application"
    • issue description: "create a decentralized messaging application that allows users to securely share messages and files, with end-to-end encryption and seamless integration with blockchain technology. develop user interfaces for both desktop and mobile devices, and implement features like user authentication, message history, and personalized customization."
    • relevant context: the user wants to create a secure and decentralized messaging application on the web3 infrastructure, prioritizing privacy and security with features like end-to-end encryption and seamless integration with blockchain technology.
  2. issue title: "implement a smart contract for a web3-based marketplace platform"
    • issue description: "design and develop a smart contract to support a web3-based marketplace platform, including features like product listing, buying and selling, subscription management, and payment processing. consider implementing value-added functionalities like product ratings, customer service, and support ticket management."
    • relevant context: the user needs to create a web3-based marketplace platform, requiring a smart contract to support features like product listing, buying and selling, and subscription management, while also enabling additional functionalities like value-added services like product ratings and customer service.

GPT Response

Sure, here are two more spoof issue specifications:

  1. Issue Title: "Implement a decentralized marketplace for digital art"

    • Issue Description: "Design and develop a decentralized marketplace for buying and selling digital art using blockchain technology. The marketplace should support features like artwork listing, bidding, and secure transactions. Consider implementing additional functionalities like artist verification, royalties distribution, and metadata storage."
    • Relevant Context: The user wants to create a platform where artists can showcase and sell their digital artwork in a decentralized manner, ensuring authenticity, ownership, and fair compensation.
  2. Issue Title: "Build a blockchain-based supply chain management system"

    • Issue Description: "Develop a blockchain-based supply chain management system that enables transparent and traceable tracking of goods from production to delivery. The system should support features like product authentication, inventory management, and logistics tracking. Consider implementing additional functionalities like smart contracts for automated payments and integration with IoT devices for real-time data monitoring."
    • Relevant Context: The user needs to create a secure and efficient supply chain management system using blockchain technology, addressing issues related to transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the supply chain process.
Keyrxng commented 8 months ago

/ask build one real issue from the list of issue specs here, be as detailed as possible and have the issue be scoped towards implementing and building the spec at a technical level. Think first, logical prioritized tasks inline with the overall spec.

ubqbot[bot] commented 8 months ago

Perp Tokens


GPT Tokens


Perp Response

Spoof Issue Specs for Testing Two LLM Models

Snippet Comment
spoof issue spec 2 The specification for mid-long and complex issue is titled "How do you recommend planning a trip to Paris?" This spec details a scenario where a user wants to plan a trip to Paris, and asks for detailed information about what to do in Paris, where to stay, and how much the trip will cost. The relevant context for the specification would be travel information, and local customs and traditions in Paris. In addition, this specification could be enhanced with more information such as visa requirements, currency exchange rates, and recommended activities, depending on the requirements of the testing LLM usage case.

GPT Response

Issue Title: Implement a Decentralized Marketplace for Digital Art

Issue Description: Design and develop a decentralized marketplace for buying and selling digital art using blockchain technology. The marketplace should support features like artwork listing, bidding, and secure transactions. Consider implementing additional functionalities like artist verification, royalties distribution, and metadata storage.

Relevant Context: The user wants to create a platform where artists can showcase and sell their digital artwork in a decentralized manner, ensuring authenticity, ownership, and fair compensation.


  1. Smart Contract Development

    • Create a smart contract for representing digital artworks on the blockchain.
    • Implement functions for artists to register and list their artworks on the marketplace.
    • Include data structures to store artwork details such as title, description, image, and price.
    • Implement functions for buyers to place bids on artworks and for artists to accept or reject bids.
    • Ensure that the smart contract enforces secure and transparent transactions.
  2. User Interface Development

    • Design and develop a user-friendly interface for the marketplace.
    • Create screens for artists to register, list artworks, and manage bids.
    • Create screens for buyers to browse artworks, place bids, and track their transactions.
    • Implement features for secure authentication and authorization of users.
    • Ensure that the interface provides a seamless and intuitive experience for both artists and buyers.
  3. Artist Verification

    • Implement a verification process to ensure that artists are genuine and their artworks are authentic.
    • Include mechanisms for verifying the identity and credentials of artists.
    • Implement a reputation system to track the trustworthiness and reliability of artists.
    • Enable users to view verified artist profiles and artwork history.
  4. Royalties Distribution

    • Design and implement a mechanism for distributing royalties to artists for each artwork sold.
    • Define rules for calculating and distributing royalties based on the sale price.
    • Implement an automated payment system to transfer royalties to artists' accounts.
    • Ensure that the distribution process is transparent and auditable.
  5. Metadata Storage

    • Create a storage system for storing metadata associated with each artwork.
    • Include fields for storing additional information such as artist details, creation date, and artwork description.
    • Implement mechanisms for indexing and searching artworks based on metadata.
    • Ensure that the metadata storage is secure, scalable, and easily accessible.
  6. Testing and Deployment

    • Develop comprehensive test cases to ensure the functionality and security of the marketplace.
    • Conduct thorough testing of the smart contract and user interface components.
    • Deploy the smart contract and user interface on the chosen blockchain platform.
    • Perform integration testing to ensure seamless interaction between the smart contract and user interface.
    • Monitor and optimize the performance of the marketplace to handle a large number of users and transactions.

Estimated Time: The estimated time for completing this issue will depend on the complexity of the marketplace and the chosen technologies. However, it is expected to take several weeks to months to implement and test all the functionalities.

Keyrxng commented 8 months ago

/ask Remember the following, the spec should be aimed towards the implementer of the spec, you should write it in such a way that it becomes a sort of tutorial or guide in how to achieve the spec. Considering this, please rewrite the real issue spec you just created.

ubqbot[bot] commented 8 months ago

Perp Tokens


GPT Tokens


Perp Response

Context: A decentralized marketplace for digital art is to be created using blockchain technology. The marketplace should have features like artwork listing, bidding, and secure transactions. Additional functionalities like artist verification, royalties distribution, and metadata storage need to be implemented to ensure authenticity, ownership, and fair compensation.

Task Breakdown:

  1. Smart Contract Development:
    • Create a smart contract for representing digital artworks on the blockchain.
    • Implement functions for artists to register and list their artworks on the marketplace.
    • Include data structures to store artwork details such as title, description, image, and price.
    • Implement functions for buyers to place bids on artworks and for artists to accept or reject bids.
    • Ensure that the smart contract enforces secure and transparent transactions.
  2. User Interface Development:
    • Design and develop a user-friendly interface for the marketplace.
    • Create screens for artists to register, list artworks, and manage bids.
    • Create screens for buyers to browse artworks, place bids, and track their transactions.
    • Implement features for secure authentication and authorization of users.
    • Ensure that the interface provides a seamless and intuitive experience for both artists and buyers.
  3. Artist Verification:
    • Implement a verification process to ensure that artists are genuine and their artworks are authentic.
    • Include mechanisms for verifying the identity and credentials of artists.
    • Implement a reputation system to track the trustworthiness and reliability of artists.
    • Enable users to view verified artist profiles and artwork history.
  4. Royalties Distribution:
    • Design and implement a mechanism for distributing royalties to artists for each artwork sold.
    • Define rules for calculating and distributing royalties based on the sale price.
    • Implement an automated payment system to transfer royalties to artists' accounts.
    • Ensure that the distribution process is transparent and auditable.
  5. Metadata Storage:
    • Create a storage system for storing metadata associated with each artwork.
    • Include fields for storing additional information such as artist details, creation date, and artwork description.
    • Implement mechanisms for indexing and searching artworks based on metadata.
    • Ensure that the metadata storage is secure, scalable, and easily accessible.
  6. Testing and Deployment:
    • Develop comprehensive test cases to ensure the functionality and security of the marketplace.
    • Conduct thorough testing of the smart contract and user interface components.
    • Deploy the smart contract and user interface on the chosen blockchain platform.
    • Perform integration testing to ensure seamless interaction between the smart contract and user interface.
    • Monitor and optimize the performance of the marketplace to handle a large number of users and transactions.

Estimated Time Implications:

The estimated time for completing this issue will depend on the complexity of the marketplace and the chosen technologies. However, it is expected to take several weeks to months to implement and test all the functionalities.

GPT Response

To implement a decentralized marketplace for digital art, follow these steps:

  1. Smart Contract Development:

    • Create a smart contract to represent digital artworks on the blockchain.
    • Implement functions for artists to register and list their artworks on the marketplace.
    • Include data structures to store artwork details such as title, description, image, and price.
    • Implement functions for buyers to place bids on artworks and for artists to accept or reject bids.
    • Ensure that the smart contract enforces secure and transparent transactions.
  2. User Interface Development:

    • Design and develop a user-friendly interface for the marketplace.
    • Create screens for artists to register, list artworks, and manage bids.
    • Create screens for buyers to browse artworks, place bids, and track their transactions.
    • Implement features for secure authentication and authorization of users.
    • Ensure that the interface provides a seamless and intuitive experience for both artists and buyers.
  3. Artist Verification:

    • Implement a verification process to ensure that artists are genuine and their artworks are authentic.
    • Include mechanisms for verifying the identity and credentials of artists.
    • Implement a reputation system to track the trustworthiness and reliability of artists.
    • Enable users to view verified artist profiles and artwork history.
  4. Royalties Distribution:

    • Design and implement a mechanism for distributing royalties to artists for each artwork sold.
    • Define rules for calculating and distributing royalties based on the sale price.
    • Implement an automated payment system to transfer royalties to artists' accounts.
    • Ensure that the distribution process is transparent and auditable.
  5. Metadata Storage:

    • Create a storage system for storing metadata associated with each artwork.
    • Include fields for storing additional information such as artist details, creation date, and artwork description.
    • Implement mechanisms for indexing and searching artworks based on metadata.
    • Ensure that the metadata storage is secure, scalable, and easily accessible.
  6. Testing and Deployment:

    • Develop comprehensive test cases to ensure the functionality and security of the marketplace.
    • Conduct thorough testing of the smart contract and user interface components.
    • Deploy the smart contract and user interface on the chosen blockchain platform.
    • Perform integration testing to ensure seamless interaction between the smart contract and user interface.
    • Monitor and optimize the performance of the marketplace to handle a large number of users and transactions.

Estimated Time: The estimated time for completing this issue will depend on the complexity of the marketplace and the chosen technologies. However, it is expected to take several weeks to months to implement and test all the functionalities.

Keyrxng commented 8 months ago

/ask based on the technical issue spec you just created, determine an estimated timeframe for achieving each of the deliverables. Return your response as a markdown table.

ubqbot[bot] commented 8 months ago

Perp Tokens


GPT Tokens


Perp Response

Deliverable Estimated Timeframe
Smart Contract Development 2-4 weeks
User Interface Development 3-5 weeks
Artist Verification 1-2 weeks
Royalties Distribution 1-2 weeks
Metadata Storage 1-2 weeks
Testing and Deployment 2-4 weeks

Note: The estimated timeframes are approximate and can vary depending on the complexity of the marketplace and the chosen technologies. It is important to allocate sufficient time for thorough testing and optimization to ensure the functionality and security of the marketplace.

GPT Response

Based on the technical issue spec provided, here is an estimated timeframe for achieving each of the deliverables:

Deliverable Estimated Timeframe
Smart contract development 2-4 weeks
User interface development 3-5 weeks
Artist verification 1-2 weeks
Royalties distribution 1-2 weeks
Metadata storage 1-2 weeks
Testing and deployment 2-4 weeks

Please note that the estimated timeframes are approximate and can vary depending on the complexity of the marketplace and the chosen technologies. It is important to allocate sufficient time for thorough testing and optimization to ensure the functionality and security of the marketplace.

Keyrxng commented 8 months ago

/ask create a summary of everything that has been directly asked of you, return a markdown table response

ubqbot[bot] commented 8 months ago

Perp Tokens


GPT Tokens

### SPP Tokens
Note: JSON in responses are throwing this off rn:  580 tokens

Perp Response

Request Response
"i need spoof issue specs to be used to test two llm models" Provided three spoof issue specs varying in length and complexity.
"these are poor in quality, let's step it up. have each issue be themed in software development, as a bonus have the niche be web3 based. increase the issue spec content that would be representative of real-world, full-size issues. return only the new and improved spoof specifications" Provided three new and improved spoof issue specs themed in software development with a web3 niche.
"create 2 more spoof specs" Provided two additional spoof issue specs themed in software development with a web3 niche.
"build one real issue from the list of issue specs here, be as detailed as possible and have the issue be scoped towards implementing and building the spec at a technical level. think first, logical prioritized tasks inline with the overall spec." Provided a detailed real issue spec for implementing a decentralized marketplace for digital art.
"remember the following, the spec should be aimed towards the implementer of the spec, you should write it in such a way that it becomes a sort of tutorial or guide in how to achieve the spec. considering this, please rewrite the real issue spec you just created." Rewrote the real issue spec for implementing a decentralized marketplace for digital art in a tutorial-like format.
"based on the technical issue spec you just created, determine an estimated timeframe for achieving each of the deliverables. return your response as a markdown table." Provided an estimated timeframe for each deliverable in a markdown table format.
"create a summary of everything that has been directly asked of you, return a markdown table response" Provided a summary of all the requests and responses in a markdown table format.

GPT Response

Request Response
"i need spoof issue specs to be used to test two llm models" provided three spoof issue specs varying in length and complexity.
"these are poor in quality, let's step it up. have each issue be themed in software development, as a bonus have the niche be web3 based. increase the issue spec content that would be representative of real-world, full-size issues. return only the new and improved spoof specifications" provided three new and improved spoof issue specs themed in software development with a web3 niche.
"create 2 more spoof specs" provided two additional spoof issue specs themed in software development with a web3 niche.
"build one real issue from the list of issue specs here, be as detailed as possible and have the issue be scoped towards implementing and building the spec at a technical level. think first, logical prioritized tasks inline with the overall spec." provided a detailed real issue spec for implementing a decentralized marketplace for digital art.
"remember the following, the spec should be aimed towards the implementer of the spec, you should write it in such a way that it becomes a sort of tutorial or guide in how to achieve the spec. considering this, please rewrite the real issue spec you just created." rewrote the real issue spec for implementing a decentralized marketplace for digital art in a tutorial-like format.
"based on the technical issue spec you just created, determine an estimated timeframe for achieving each of the deliverables. return your response as a markdown table." provided an estimated timeframe for each deliverable in a markdown table format.
"create a summary of everything that has been directly asked of you, return a markdown table response" provided a summary of all the requests and responses in a markdown table format.
Keyrxng commented 3 months ago


Keyrxng commented 3 months ago


ubqbot[bot] commented 3 months ago

Available commands

- /start: Assign the origin sender to the issue automatically.
- /stop: Unassign the origin sender from the issue automatically.
- /help: List all available commands.
- /autopay: Toggle automatic payment for the completion of the current issue.
- /query: Comments the users multiplier and address
- /ask: Ask a technical question to the Ubiquity AI. 
  example usage: "/ask How do I do X?"
- /multiplier: Set the bounty payout multiplier for a specific contributor, and provide the reason for why. 
  example usage: "/wallet @user 0.5 'Multiplier reason'"
- /allow: Set access control. (Admin Only)
- /authorize: Approve a label change. Superuser only.
- /wallet: <WALLET_ADDRESS | ENS_NAME> <SIGNATURE_HASH>: Register the hunter's wallet address. 
  Your message to sign is: DevPool
  You can generate SIGNATURE_HASH at https://etherscan.io/verifiedSignatures
  ex1: /wallet 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0xe2a3e34a63f3def2c29605de82225b79e1398190b542be917ef88a8e93ff9dc91bdc3ef9b12ed711550f6d2cbbb50671aa3f14a665b709ec391f3e603d0899a41b
  ex2: /wallet vitalik.eth 0x75329f883590507e581cd6dfca62680b6cd12e1f1665db8097f9e642ed70025146b5cf9f777dde90c4a9cbd41500a6bf76bc394fd0b0cae2aab09f7a6f30e3b31b
Keyrxng commented 3 months ago


ubqbot[bot] commented 3 months ago

Warning! This task was created over 152 days ago. Please confirm that this issue specification is accurate before starting.
Deadline Tue, 26 Mar 2024 11:00:52 UTC
Registered Wallet Please set your wallet address to use `/wallet 0x0000...0000`
Keyrxng commented 3 months ago


ubqbot[bot] commented 3 months ago

You have been unassigned from the bounty @Keyrxng

Keyrxng commented 3 months ago


ubqbot[bot] commented 3 months ago

Warning! This task was created over 152 days ago. Please confirm that this issue specification is accurate before starting.
Deadline Tue, 26 Mar 2024 11:06:45 UTC
Registered Wallet Please set your wallet address to use `/wallet 0x0000...0000`
Keyrxng commented 3 months ago
