ubq-testing / bot-ai

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feat: chatbot ui #2

Closed Keyrxng closed 11 months ago

Keyrxng commented 11 months ago

Resolves #1

The ui is primitive and very simple

I used a nextjs openai starter template which I think meets the spec

Keyrxng commented 11 months ago


ubqbot[bot] commented 11 months ago
! TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'login')
Keyrxng commented 11 months ago


ubqbot[bot] commented 11 months ago
! Error: This model's maximum context length is 16385 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 76210 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.
Keyrxng commented 11 months ago


ubqbot[bot] commented 11 months ago

Haven't achieved specification

Keyrxng, it seems that you haven't achieved the specification. The specification states that there should be no linked issue found in the body of the pull request, but I can see that there are changes made to multiple files in the PR diff.

To fix this, you need to remove the changes made to the files that are not related to the linked issue.

Here is an example of how you can remove the changes made to a specific file:

- diff --git a/file/path b/file/path
- // remove the changes made to the file

Please make the necessary changes and resubmit your pull request.

Ensure the pull request requirements are in the linked issue's first comment and update it if the scope evolves.
Keyrxng commented 11 months ago


ubqbot[bot] commented 11 months ago

Haven't achieved specification

Keyrxng, it seems that you haven't achieved the specification. The specification states that there should be no linked issue found in the body of the pull request, but I can see that there are changes made to multiple files in the PR diff.

To fix this, you need to remove the changes made to the files that are not related to the linked issue.

Here is an example of how you can remove the changes made to a specific file:

- diff --git a/file/path b/file/path
- // remove the changes made to the file

Please make the necessary changes and resubmit your pull request.

Ensure the pull request requirements are in the linked issue's first comment and update it if the scope evolves.
Keyrxng commented 11 months ago


ubqbot[bot] commented 11 months ago

Haven't achieved specification

Keyrxng, it seems that you haven't achieved the specification. The specification states that there should be no linked issue found in the body of the pull request, but I can see that there are changes made to multiple files in the PR diff.

To fix this, you need to remove the changes made to the files that are not related to the linked issue.

Here is an example of how you can remove the changes made to a specific file:

- diff --git a/file/path b/file/path
- // remove the changes made to the file

Please make the necessary changes and resubmit your pull request.

Ensure the pull request requirements are in the linked issue's first comment and update it if the scope evolves.
Keyrxng commented 11 months ago


ubqbot[bot] commented 11 months ago

Keyrxng, you have made several changes in your pull request. However, the changes you made do not meet the specification provided.

The specification requires a Next.js 13 chatbot interface with a simple text input at the bottom of the screen and white background. The text responses should be centered. The pull request diff shows changes to various files, including adding new files and modifying existing ones. However, it is not clear if these changes fulfill the specification.

To meet the specification, you need to ensure that the following requirements are met:

  1. The interface should be a Next.js 13 chatbot interface.
  2. There should be a simple text input at the bottom of the screen.
  3. The background should be white.
  4. The text responses should be centered.

Please review your changes and make sure they align with the provided specification. If you need any further assistance, feel free to ask.

Ensure the pull request requirements are in the linked issue's first comment and update it if the scope evolves.
Keyrxng commented 11 months ago


ubqbot[bot] commented 11 months ago

Keyrxng, you have achieved the specification. The pull request includes the necessary changes to create a Next.js 13 chatbot interface using OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo. The UI is simple with a text input at the bottom of the screen and white background. The text responses are centered.

The changes include:

The changes look good and meet the specification. The reviewers will now provide feedback on the code implementation and suggest any improvements if needed.

Ensure the pull request requirements are in the linked issue's first comment and update it if the scope evolves.
Keyrxng commented 11 months ago


ubqbot[bot] commented 11 months ago

Based on the PR diff, it appears that the changes made by Keyrxng meet the specification.

Keyrxng added the necessary files and code to create a Next.js chatbot interface using OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo. They added a new file called route.ts in the app/api/chat-with-functions directory, which handles the chat functionality with the OpenAI API. They also added a new file called page.tsx in the app directory, which renders the chat interface.

Additionally, Keyrxng made changes to the package.json file to add the required dependencies for Next.js and OpenAI. They also added a postcss.config.js file and a tailwind.config.js file for configuring Tailwind CSS.

Overall, it seems that Keyrxng has implemented the required functionality for the Next.js 13 chatbot interface using OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo.

Ensure the pull request requirements are in the linked issue's first comment and update it if the scope evolves.
Keyrxng commented 11 months ago


ubqbot[bot] commented 11 months ago

Based on the PR diff, it appears that the changes made by Keyrxng meet the specification.

Keyrxng added the necessary files and code to create a Next.js chatbot interface using OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo. They added a new file called route.ts in the app/api/chat-with-functions directory, which handles the chat functionality with the OpenAI API. They also added a new file called page.tsx in the app directory, which renders the chat interface.

Additionally, Keyrxng made changes to the package.json file to add the required dependencies for Next.js and OpenAI. They also added a postcss.config.js file and a tailwind.config.js file for configuring Tailwind CSS.

Overall, it seems that Keyrxng has implemented the required functionality for the Next.js 13 chatbot interface using OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo.

Ensure the pull request requirements are in the linked issue's first comment and update it if the scope evolves.
Keyrxng commented 11 months ago


ubqbot[bot] commented 11 months ago

Have achieved specification

Based on the PR diff, it appears that the changes made by Keyrxng meet the specification.

Keyrxng added the necessary files and code to create a Next.js chatbot interface using OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo. They added a new file called route.ts in the app/api/chat-with-functions directory, which handles the chat functionality with the OpenAI API. They also added a new file called page.tsx in the app directory, which renders the chat interface.

Additionally, Keyrxng made changes to the package.json file to add the required dependencies for Next.js and OpenAI. They also added a postcss.config.js file and a tailwind.config.js file for configuring Tailwind CSS.

Overall, it seems that Keyrxng has implemented the required functionality for the Next.js 13 chatbot interface using OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo.

Ensure the pull request requirements are in the linked issue's first comment and update it if the scope evolves.
Keyrxng commented 11 months ago


ubqbot[bot] commented 11 months ago

Have achieved specification

Keyrxng, you have achieved the spec and now the reviewers will let you know if there are any other changes needed.

Ensure the pull request requirements are in the linked issue's first comment and update it if the scope evolves.
Keyrxng commented 11 months ago


ubqbot[bot] commented 11 months ago

Have achieved specification

Keyrxng, you have achieved the spec and now the reviewers will let you know if there are any other changes needed.

Ensure the pull request requirements are in the linked issue's first comment and update it if the scope evolves.
Keyrxng commented 11 months ago

spec [
    role: 'system',
    content: 'This pull request context: \n' +
      `[{"login":"Keyrxng","body":"Keyrxng's pull request description:\\nResolves #1\\r\\n\\r\\nThe ui is primitive and very simple\\r\\n\\r\\nI used a nextjs openai starter template which I think meets the spec"},{"login":"assistant","body":"#1 Specification: \\nWe need a nextjs 13 chatbot interface, it should just be a very simple text input at the bottom of the screen with a white background. The text responses should be centred. We will be using OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo."}]`
gptResponse {
  answer: 'Based on the PR diff, it appears that the changes made by Keyrxng meet the specification. \n' +
    '\n' +
    "Keyrxng added the necessary code to create a chat interface using Next.js and OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo. They added a new file `app/api/chat/route.ts` which handles the chat API endpoint and uses the OpenAI API to generate chat completions. They also added a new file `app/function-calling/page.tsx` which contains the chat interface component. \n" +
    '\n' +
    'Overall, the changes made by Keyrxng align with the specification of creating a Next.js 13 chatbot interface with a simple text input and centered text responses.',
  tokenUsage: { output: 137, input: 4432, total: 4569 }
INFO (http): POST / 202 - 9003ms
INFO (server): POST http://localhost:3000/ - 202
validated {
  answer: '### Have achieved specification\n' +
    'Keyrxng, you have achieved the spec and now the reviewers will let you know if there are any other changes needed.',
  tokenUsage: { output: 30, input: 447, total: 477 }