IProject.GetFormattedReference takes a single IVerseRef. If that reference happens to be a bridge, then the resulting formatted reference will correctly represent that. But IVersification given no method for creating a single IVerseRef that represents a range of verses. So if a plugin has two IVerseRef objects (e.g., from IScriptureTextSelection.VerseRefStart and IScriptureTextSelection.VerseRefEnd), there is no way to get a properly formatted string representation of the range of verses from start to finish.
IProject.GetFormattedReference takes a single IVerseRef. If that reference happens to be a bridge, then the resulting formatted reference will correctly represent that. But IVersification given no method for creating a single IVerseRef that represents a range of verses. So if a plugin has two IVerseRef objects (e.g., from IScriptureTextSelection.VerseRefStart and IScriptureTextSelection.VerseRefEnd), there is no way to get a properly formatted string representation of the range of verses from start to finish.