ubsicap / usx

Unified Scripture XML
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Ruby annotations (add char@style rb) #24

Closed klassenjm closed 6 years ago

klassenjm commented 8 years ago

Updated: January 2018

In the course of implementing support for ruby editing in one application (Paratext), the specification and markup needs were clarified and refined. Note the following updated proposal. The original proposal has been retained at the end of this description.



<char style="rb" gloss="gg:gg">BB</char>

Supporting a null gloss: Allow parts of the gloss to be empty

In order to preserve the whole phrase unit (rather than breaking off just the characters that have glosses), USX needs some way to specify a null gloss piece. Since the separator character (colon :) is visible, a visible character for null gloss is not strictly needed.

Examples of omission:

Second and fourth base characters are unglossed:

<char style="rb" gloss="g1::g3:">BBBB</char>

Second base character is unglossed:

<char style="rb" gloss="つく::ぬし">神の子</char>

This is the USX companion to USFM 3.0 proposal "Ruby annotations (CJK texts) (add \rb ...\rb; add \rt ...\rt)". See: ubsicap/usfm#31 for detail.