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Unified Scripture XML
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Current verse identification attributes (add verse@sid,eid; add para@vid; add cell@vid) #34

Closed klassenjm closed 6 years ago

klassenjm commented 6 years ago



A milestone type markup is required when a document has two or more structures that interact in a non-hierarchical manner. This is also referred to as overlapping or concurrent markup. A principle example of this type of overlapping structure in scripture text is the contrast between 1) the paragraph structures used to express the discourse / narrative of the text and 2) the division of the text into books, chapters and verses. In scripture texts encoded using USX, the paragraph level markup forms the main structure of the document, while <chapter> and` elements are empty milestones which identify the location where the chapter or verse begins.

USX 3.0 adds a pair of attributes to <verse> (sid and eid) which are used to unambiguously identify the start and end position for scripture verse text within the scripture discourse structure. A companion attribute vid is added to <para> and <cell> in order to re-identify the current verse when the previous <para> or <cell> closed prior the end of the current verse text.

In USX 3.0 a <verse/> milestone is required at the start and at the end of the verse text, with corresponding sid and eid attributes. In previous versions of USX, only a <verse/> start milestone was required.


Genesis 2:23-25

<para style="p">
  <verse number="21" style="v" sid="GEN 2:21" />Then the <char style="nd">Lord</char> God 
    made the man fall into a deep sleep, and while he was sleeping, he took out one of the 
    man's ribs and closed up the flesh.<verse eid="GEN 2:21" />
  <verse number="22" style="v" sid="GEN 2:22"/>He formed a woman out of the rib and brought 
    her to him.<verse eid="GEN 2:22" />
  <verse number="23" style="v" sid="GEN 2:23" />Then the man said,
<para style="q1" vid="GEN 2:23">“At last, here is one of my own kind—</para>
<para style="q1" vid="GEN 2:23">Bone taken from my bone, and flesh from my flesh.</para>
<para style="q1" vid="GEN 2:23">‘Woman’ is her name because she was taken out of man.”
  <verse eid="GEN 2:23" />
<para style="m">
  <verse number="24" style="v" sid="GEN 2:24" />That is why a man leaves his father and mother 
  and is united with his wife, and they become one.<verse eid="GEN 2:24" />
<para style="p">
  <verse number="25" style="v" sid="GEN 2:25" />The man and the woman were both naked, but 
  they were not embarrassed.<verse eid="GEN 2:25" />