Open poojashresthacode opened 1 year ago
I get the graph of cos(1/x) defined from [0,4*pi] as : I doubt whether the graph I got is correct. I would appreciate if any one share the nature of graph for cos(1/x). @poojashresthacode You got different one.
Your graph looks correct to me, I think the error comes from the fact that your program is trying to divide by zero at x = 0
@pratibha77118 I got the same graph too, I think it is correct.
It is Division by 0 warning. The code is encountering 1/0 at x=0 which is undefined.
@WildJimmy ipython-input-8-fe2d73df47d6>:5: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide return np.cos(1 / x)