I am just doing a testdrive on the system and i did found that in the mate-tweak full-compositor option missing from the window manager part.
And i did saw some diagonal tearing in both desktop applications ,but mostly in webapps and web-browsers like firefox.
EDIT: Further testing shows that only the laptop internal monitor has this diagonal tearing problem.
xrandr --listmonitors Monitors: 1 0: +*eDP-1 1366/345x768/194+0+0 eDP-1
EDIT2: I did forget to mention i am on ubuntu-mate-19.10 beta.
Case closed. for some reason compton haven't been installed out of box. I did changed the compositor to macro(compton) and now all sorted.
I am just doing a testdrive on the system and i did found that in the mate-tweak full-compositor option missing from the window manager part. And i did saw some diagonal tearing in both desktop applications ,but mostly in webapps and web-browsers like firefox.
EDIT: Further testing shows that only the laptop internal monitor has this diagonal tearing problem.
xrandr --listmonitors Monitors: 1 0: +*eDP-1 1366/345x768/194+0+0 eDP-1
EDIT2: I did forget to mention i am on ubuntu-mate-19.10 beta.
Case closed. for some reason compton haven't been installed out of box. I did changed the compositor to macro(compton) and now all sorted.