ubuntu / archive_yaru.dart

Ubuntu Yaru Flutter Theme
Mozilla Public License 2.0
336 stars 40 forks source link

M3: adjust yaru switch style #197

Closed Feichtmeier closed 1 year ago

Feichtmeier commented 1 year ago


Feichtmeier commented 1 year ago

Okay even if I remove the switch theme completely the border stays still wrong and unfixable

grafik grafik

@jpnurmi can you understand from https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/103536 what we miss here? Is there a new general control border or something?

Feichtmeier commented 1 year ago

Ok got it rolling with

  return ThemeData.from(
    useMaterial3: true,
    colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(seedColor: YaruColors.orange),
    dialogTheme: _createDialogTheme(Brightness.light),
        _createInputDecorationTheme(colorScheme, Brightness.light),
    toggleButtonsTheme: _createToggleButtonsTheme(colorScheme),
    textSelectionTheme: _createTextSelectionTheme(colorScheme),
    popupMenuTheme: _createPopupMenuThemeData(colorScheme, Brightness.light),
    tooltipTheme: _tooltipThemeData,
    buttonTheme: _buttonThemeData,
    outlinedButtonTheme: _outlinedButtonThemeData,
        _getElevatedButtonThemeData(elevatedButtonColor ?? primaryColor),
    textButtonTheme: _textButtonThemeData,