Hey there in my attempt to compile transmission Gtk4 variant, it reports back that ;
:: -- Checking for modules 'gtkmm-4.0>=3.24.0;glibmm-2.68>=2.60.0;giomm-2.68>=2.26.0'
:: -- No package 'gtkmm-4.0' found
:: -- No package 'glibmm-2.68' found
:: -- No package 'giomm-2.68' found
Upon further lookup i came to understand that jammy doesn't have any gtkmm4.0 packages.
Will these be made available by the gnome sdk so as to allow compiling transmission gtk4 variant atop core22 or it will have to wait for core24 🫤
I dont want to currently take the hurdle of building gtk libs in the snap itself although if its a no here i will re-look it later.
Hey there in my attempt to compile transmission Gtk4 variant, it reports back that ;
Upon further lookup i came to understand that jammy doesn't have any gtkmm4.0 packages. Will these be made available by the gnome sdk so as to allow compiling transmission gtk4 variant atop core22 or it will have to wait for core24 🫤 I dont want to currently take the hurdle of building gtk libs in the snap itself although if its a no here i will re-look it later.