ubuntu / gnome-shell-extension-appindicator

Adds KStatusNotifierItem support to the Shell
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.18k stars 159 forks source link

[bug] reload gnome-shell to show icons #133

Open supremesyntax opened 6 years ago

supremesyntax commented 6 years ago

I am on ubuntu 18.04 / gnome-shell 3.28.1 (x11 session)

I have installed gnome-shell-extension-appindicator (v22) from extensions.gnome.org

If i open any application that has an appindicator applet i have to reload gnome-shell (press ALT+F2 and just enter 'r') in order to see the app icon in the tray

UPDATE: also after locking/unlocking screen (gdm) all icons are gone. reloading gnome-shell helps again.

angystardust commented 6 years ago

same here on Fedora28 + gnome 3.28.2

mcgi5sr2 commented 6 years ago

encountering the same issue resolved by the same solution. gnome-shell --replace resolves the issue, but it is something that shouldn't be happening in the first place

3v1n0 commented 6 years ago

I've got this issue a couple of times, but it's a bit hard to reproduce to me right now

Anyway, here some debugging bits that could help, as per some discussion in #ubuntu-desktop

14:22:42 <Trevinho> Saviq: if you do Alt
14:22:50 <Trevinho> Alt+f2 -> "lg" and enter
14:22:55 <Trevinho> then you do this
14:22:56 <Trevinho> imports.ui.main.panel._rightBox.get_children().forEach((e) => { print(e.get_child().get_children()[0].get_children()) })
14:23:05 <Trevinho> what you get on your journalctl /usr/bin/gnome-shell ?
14:26:33 → user94729 and heber joined  ⇐ microwaved_ quit  
14:29:18 <Saviq> Trevinho: e.get_child() is null
14:29:46 <Trevinho> mhmh, it's like the whole panel area isn't showing properly
14:30:21 <Trevinho> can you install an extension such as https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1162/emoji-selector/ and see if that's hidden?
14:32:58 → mhache joined (~mhache_@CPE00005e000105-CM00fc8d221b00.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
14:33:49 <Trevinho> Saviq: speaking of extensions though I've to check, chrome-gnome-shell can accept stuff from stdin too and that could break things if called from a confined place
14:34:15 <Trevinho> Saviq: anyway from inspector you can also try to navigate
14:34:17 <Trevinho> justs
14:34:31 <Trevinho> write `imports.ui.main.panel._rightBox.get_children()`
14:34:44 <Trevinho> then from the results go deep to see if you can find presence of AppIndicator Instances
14:35:42 <Trevinho> to that call returns
14:35:44 <Trevinho> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/tpcnFoaY/
giu 11 14:35:26 tricky org.gnome.Shell.desktop[4049]: [0x556437d1bc40 
Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1:last-child first-child]
giu 11 14:35:26 tricky org.gnome.Shell.desktop[4049]: [0x556433660440 
Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1:last-child first-child]
giu 11 14:35:26 tricky org.gnome.Shell.desktop[4049]: [0x55643e805510 
Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1:last-child first-child]
giu 11 14:35:26 tricky org.gnome.Shell.desktop[4049]: [0x55643a0b9c40 
Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1:last-child first-child]
giu 11 14:35:26 tricky org.gnome.Shell.desktop[4049]: [0x55643dda8440 
Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1:last-child first-child]
giu 11 14:35:26 tricky org.gnome.Shell.desktop[4049]: [0x55642e012440 
Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1:last-child first-child]
giu 11 14:35:26 tricky org.gnome.Shell.desktop[4049]: [0x55643e9063d0 
Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1:last-child first-child]
14:37:12 <Trevinho> in that case could be that a child isn't actually added as actor, as for sure the appindicator instance (the model) was created when I tried
Saviq commented 6 years ago

This happens to me every time I lock the screen, and the items seem to disappear from _rightBox altogether. When they show up (after Alt+F2, r):

cze 12 09:50:54 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x555ffbb08850 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child]
cze 12 09:50:54 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x555ffc4acc50 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child]
cze 12 09:50:54 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x555ffc47a050 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child]
cze 12 09:50:54 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x555ffc2fb450 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child]
cze 12 09:50:54 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x555ffc2ca850 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child]
cze 12 09:50:54 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x555ffbe6bc50 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child]
cze 12 09:50:54 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x555ffbe0e970 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child]
cze 12 09:50:54 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x555ffbdec870 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child]
cze 12 09:50:54 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x555ffba73860 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child]
cze 12 09:50:54 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: undefined
cze 12 09:50:54 michal-laptop gnome-shell[9880]: JS WARNING: [resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/lookingGlass.js line 1006 > eval 1]: reference to undefined property 0
cze 12 09:50:54 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x555ffaac1150 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child]
cze 12 09:50:54 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x555ffa0b2170 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child ("pl")]
cze 12 09:50:54 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x555ffab73450 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child]

And then after a lock/unlock:

cze 12 09:51:57 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x555ffd7c0470 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child]
cze 12 09:51:57 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x556000e1d7d0 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child]
cze 12 09:51:57 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: undefined
cze 12 09:51:57 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x555ffaac1150 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child]
cze 12 09:51:57 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x555ffa0b2170 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child ("pl")]
cze 12 09:51:57 michal-laptop org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9880]: [0x555ffab73450 ShellGenericContainer.panel-button:last-child first-child]
cze 12 09:51:57 michal-laptop gnome-shell[9880]: JS WARNING: [resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/lookingGlass.js line 1006 > eval 1]: reference to undefined property 0
supremesyntax commented 6 years ago

To check if this issue is caused by any other extension i have disabled all other extensions (incl user themes) and re-enabled them one-by-one followed by a screen locking/unlocking after every enabled extension. Now the issue seems to be gone! I used pidgin to verify and can close it via appindicator and if i start pidgin the icon appears instantly. Also after a screen locking/unlocking all indicators are still there. (pidgin/remmina etc.)

I will watch this and report back if it breaks again at some point. Initial issue is not solved because this should not happen. But at the moment for me everything works as expected.

3v1n0 commented 6 years ago

To check if this issue is caused by any other extension i have disabled all other extensions (incl user themes) and re-enabled them one-by-one followed by a screen locking/unlocking after every enabled extension.

Mh, have you noticed which extension could have caused the bug to appear?

supremesyntax commented 6 years ago

@3v1n0 i am sorry but i can't tell... i disabled them altogether - should have disable them also one by one 😞 As soon as i had disabled all extensions and did a gnome-shell reload it worked. I thought re-enabling would then show which extension caused this issue but it did still work after every extension.

i can give you a list of my active extensions (that are using space in the top bar):

- appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com
- caffeine@patapon.info
- cpupower@mko-sl.de
- freon@UshakovVasilii_Github.yahoo.com
- gsconnect@andyholmes.github.io
- topIcons@adel.gadllah@gmail.com
- user-theme@gnome-shell-extensions.gcampax.github.com
CalebWhiting commented 6 years ago

I am also having this problem. (GNOME Shell 3.28.1)

With every application that has an app-indicator I have to replace the gnome-shell for it to become visible, occasionally when I boot one of the start-up apps manages to get on there if I'm lucky.

mcgi5sr2 commented 6 years ago

I am no longer convinced this a gnome-shell-extension-appindicator issue, I am getting reports of these issues on every Ubuntu based distro.

The fix remains the same on each DE tho, restart the shell

supremesyntax commented 6 years ago

please try the following steps:

1 disable all extensions (including themes) & do a reboot 2 first enable appindicator extension and then all the other extensions you like

  1. ??

did work in my case ever since - please report if this workaround is working around for u 2

orschiro commented 6 years ago

I am potentially affected by the same problem. The Telegram and SafeEyes tray icons disappear after some time. I need to investigate closely when this happens. Reloading the shell via r makes them reappear.

The problem might also be related to using the extensions Internet Radio and Argos simultaneously.

ghost commented 6 years ago

@supremesyntax .......your workaround of disabling all ext. & rebooting worked for me.

NicoDuclos commented 6 years ago

Same issue here. Ubuntu 18.04, Gnome 3.28.3. gnome-shell-extension-appindicator from gnome extensions website.

When I boot there's no App Icons, I restart gnome-shell (Alt+F2, r, ) then my icons are here (telegram + nextcloud) I lock/unlock my icons disappear.

Here's the logs just after a boot = no icons

$ grep AppIndicator syslog

Sep  7 09:17:09 nikosnikos-pc gnome-shell[1841]: [AppIndicatorSupport-WARN] Failed to acquire org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher
Sep  7 09:17:09 nikosnikos-pc gnome-shell[1841]: [AppIndicatorSupport-DEBUG] Using Brute-force mode for StatusNotifierItem :1.68/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/blueman
Sep  7 09:17:09 nikosnikos-pc gnome-shell[1841]: [AppIndicatorSupport-DEBUG] Registering StatusNotifierItem :1.68/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/blueman
Sep  7 09:17:17 nikosnikos-pc blueman.desktop[2052]: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/blueman/plugins/applet/AppIndicator.py:8: PyGIWarning: AppIndicator3 was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('AppIndicator3', '0.1') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
Sep  7 09:17:17 nikosnikos-pc blueman.desktop[2052]:   from gi.repository import AppIndicator3 as girAppIndicator
Sep  7 09:17:17 nikosnikos-pc gnome-shell[1841]: Object .Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1 (0x55ab5922f330), has been already finalized. Impossible to set any property to it.

Just after a gnome-shell reload = I can see the icons

$ grep AppIndicator syslog

Sep  7 09:17:27 nikosnikos-pc gnome-shell[1841]: [AppIndicatorSupport-WARN] Failed to acquire org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher
Sep  7 09:17:27 nikosnikos-pc gnome-shell[1841]: [AppIndicatorSupport-DEBUG] Using Brute-force mode for StatusNotifierItem :1.82/StatusNotifierItem
Sep  7 09:17:27 nikosnikos-pc gnome-shell[1841]: [AppIndicatorSupport-DEBUG] Registering StatusNotifierItem :1.82/StatusNotifierItem
Sep  7 09:17:27 nikosnikos-pc gnome-shell[1841]: [AppIndicatorSupport-DEBUG] Using Brute-force mode for StatusNotifierItem :1.70/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/Telegram_Desktop
Sep  7 09:17:27 nikosnikos-pc gnome-shell[1841]: [AppIndicatorSupport-DEBUG] Registering StatusNotifierItem :1.70/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/Telegram_Desktop

And just after a lock/unlock = no more icons

$ grep AppIndicator syslog

Sep  7 09:45:49 nikosnikos-pc gnome-shell[1841]: Object .Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1 (0x55933e466440), has been already finalized. Impossible to set any property to it.
Sep  7 09:45:49 nikosnikos-pc gnome-shell[1841]: Object .Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1 (0x55933eaa9ea0), has been already finalized. Impossible to set any property to it.
Sep  7 09:45:49 nikosnikos-pc gnome-shell[1841]: Object .Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1 (0x55933eafc440), has been already finalized. Impossible to set any property to it.

I didn't try the @supremesyntax workaround.

NicoDuclos commented 6 years ago

Hum... I have exactly the same behavior if I uninstall (K)StatusNotifierItem/AppIndicator Support from gnome website.

So, with or without (K)StatusNotifierItem/AppIndicator Support: I boot there's no App Icons, I restart gnome-shell (Alt+F2, r, ⏎) then my icons are here (telegram + nextcloud) I lock/unlock my icons disappear.

And when I'm on the gnome-shell website I see that the extension is on error (if installed).

Edit: OK. If I understand how it works this is an ubuntu gnome extension enabled by default on ubuntu, and on Ubuntu I don't have to enable the (K)StatusNotifierItem/AppIndicator Support... If correct my last comment is still relevant.

orschiro commented 6 years ago

Alt + F2 > r is a great workaround. Sadly it's not available on sessions running Wayland. :-(

On Fri, 7 Sep 2018 at 10:14, nikosnikos notifications@github.com wrote:

Hum... I have exactly the same behavior if I uninstall (K)StatusNotifierItem/AppIndicator Support from gnome website.

So, with or without (K)StatusNotifierItem/AppIndicator Support: I boot there's no App Icons, I restart gnome-shell (Alt+F2, r, ⏎) then my icons are here (telegram + nextcloud) I lock/unlock my icons disappear.

And when I'm on the gnome-shell website I see that the extension is on error (if installed).

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/ubuntu/gnome-shell-extension-appindicator/issues/133#issuecomment-419360442, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AAKbwx0m7IyzDfAJIYseMQubRG_wLhECks5uYir3gaJpZM4ULrju .

NicoDuclos commented 6 years ago

I finally uninstalled indicator-application and other indicator- (unfortunately I don't have the list) `apt remove indicator-` (as suggested here) and I can now see my icons !!

I think these indicator-* are unity related packages.

SunicYosen commented 5 years ago

I finally uninstalled indicator-application and other indicator- (unfortunately I don't have the list) `apt remove indicator-` (as suggested here) and I can now see my icons !!

I think these indicator-* are unity related packages.

It is USEFUL for me. [Ubuntu18.04.1 gnome3.28.3] Thanks a lot!

aspendlove commented 5 years ago

I finally uninstalled indicator-application and other indicator- (unfortunately I don't have the list) apt remove indicator- (as suggested here) and I can now see my icons !! I think these indicator-* are unity related packages.

I did sudo apt remove indicator-* and restarted and now the system tray consistently shows (after restarts and suspends) thanks a lot guys! I was really having a hard time with this, the restarting gnome was really annoying.

Asutorufa commented 5 years ago

I finally uninstalled indicator-application and other indicator- (unfortunately I don't have the list) `apt remove indicator-` (as suggested here) and I can now see my icons !!

I think these indicator-* are unity related packages.

It's awesome.Ubuntu18.04.1+gnome3.28.2.Thanks a lot!

lestcape commented 5 years ago

The problem is this:

Failed to acquire org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher

I don't know in what package is, but the org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher is kidnapped by some indicator package(s). This mean that this package(s) start a DBus service with that name and then when the extension will try to start his own DBus service with the same name, the service already exist because was already started before. So the extension Failed to acquire the Dbus service name org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher, because is occupied by another already started service. Probably is because is supposed that this indicator don't need to be running/initialized in the gnome shell ubuntu session, but is already there.

mgudarzi commented 5 years ago

apt remove indicator-* worked like a charm for me. This was affecting my health and wellbeing, seriously , lol. Thank you so much.

trongthanh commented 5 years ago

For me, this happened after I install ubuntu-budgie-desktop to try out and then switch back to GNOME. Even though I ran sudo apt purge ubuntu-budgie-desktop && sudo apt autoremove, some redundant packages are still there. And the partners in crime are these packages: indicator-applicatior and indicator-common

rosencreuz commented 5 years ago

I have a more detailed error from syslog in Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz gnome-shell[9692]: Object .Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1 (0x55e4de4f9c40), has been already finalized. Impossible to set any property to it.
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: == Stack trace for context 0x55e4dbdc94d0 ==
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #0 0x7ffe3d0c73b0 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:83 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 87)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #1 0x55e4dc174108 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/indicatorStatusIcon.js:93 (0x7ff7e64e6cd0 @ 58)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #2 0x7ffe3d0c7f90 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 71)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #3 0x7ffe3d0c8050 b   self-hosted:916 (0x7ff8205f12b8 @ 367)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #4 0x7ffe3d0c8140 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/signals.js:128 (0x7ff8205d2230 @ 386)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #5 0x55e4dc174080 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/appIndicator.js:190 (0x7ff7e64d79a0 @ 22)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #6 0x7ffe3d0c8d90 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 71)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #7 0x55e4dc173fd8 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/statusNotifierWatcher.js:219 (0x7ff7e64d4f78 @ 225)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #8 0x7ffe3d0c9970 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 71)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #9 0x55e4dc173f60 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/extension.js:61 (0x7ff7e64d42b8 @ 37)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #10 0x55e4dc173ea0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:82 (0x7ff82045a120 @ 431)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #11 0x55e4dc173e20 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:287 (0x7ff82045a780 @ 13)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #12 0x55e4dc173d50 i   self-hosted:251 (0x7ff8205c4ab0 @ 223)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #13 0x55e4dc173cd0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:284 (0x7ff82045a560 @ 113)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz gjs[10319]: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz gjs[10319]: message repeated 6 times: [ g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed]
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz gnome-shell[9692]: Object .Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1 (0x55e4de51ac40), has been already finalized. Impossible to set any property to it.
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: == Stack trace for context 0x55e4dbdc94d0 ==
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #0 0x7ffe3d0c73b0 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:83 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 87)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #1 0x55e4dc174108 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/indicatorStatusIcon.js:93 (0x7ff7e64e6cd0 @ 58)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #2 0x7ffe3d0c7f90 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 71)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #3 0x7ffe3d0c8050 b   self-hosted:916 (0x7ff8205f12b8 @ 367)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #4 0x7ffe3d0c8140 b   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/signals.js:128 (0x7ff8205d2230 @ 386)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #5 0x55e4dc174080 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/appIndicator.js:190 (0x7ff7e64d79a0 @ 22)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #6 0x7ffe3d0c8d90 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 71)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #7 0x55e4dc173fd8 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/statusNotifierWatcher.js:219 (0x7ff7e64d4f78 @ 225)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #8 0x7ffe3d0c9970 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 71)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #9 0x55e4dc173f60 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/extension.js:61 (0x7ff7e64d42b8 @ 37)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #10 0x55e4dc173ea0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:82 (0x7ff82045a120 @ 431)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #11 0x55e4dc173e20 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:287 (0x7ff82045a780 @ 13)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #12 0x55e4dc173d50 i   self-hosted:251 (0x7ff8205c4ab0 @ 223)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #13 0x55e4dc173cd0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:284 (0x7ff82045a560 @ 113)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz gnome-shell[9692]: Object .Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1 (0x55e4de52fc40), has been already finalized. Impossible to set any property to it.
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: == Stack trace for context 0x55e4dbdc94d0 ==
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #0 0x7ffe3d0c7490 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:83 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 87)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #1 0x55e4dc174108 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/indicatorStatusIcon.js:93 (0x7ff7e64e6cd0 @ 58)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #2 0x7ffe3d0c8070 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 71)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #3 0x7ffe3d0c8130 b   self-hosted:916 (0x7ff8205f12b8 @ 367)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #4 0x7ffe3d0c81b0 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/signals.js:128 (0x7ff8205d2230 @ 386)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #5 0x55e4dc174080 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/appIndicator.js:190 (0x7ff7e64d79a0 @ 22)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #6 0x7ffe3d0c8d90 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 71)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #7 0x55e4dc173fd8 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/statusNotifierWatcher.js:219 (0x7ff7e64d4f78 @ 225)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #8 0x7ffe3d0c9970 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 71)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #9 0x55e4dc173f60 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/extension.js:61 (0x7ff7e64d42b8 @ 37)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #10 0x55e4dc173ea0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:82 (0x7ff82045a120 @ 431)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #11 0x55e4dc173e20 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:287 (0x7ff82045a780 @ 13)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #12 0x55e4dc173d50 i   self-hosted:251 (0x7ff8205c4ab0 @ 223)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #13 0x55e4dc173cd0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:284 (0x7ff82045a560 @ 113)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz gnome-shell[9692]: Object .Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1 (0x55e4de54d9f0), has been already finalized. Impossible to set any property to it.
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: == Stack trace for context 0x55e4dbdc94d0 ==
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #0 0x7ffe3d0c6c00 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:83 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 87)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #1 0x55e4dc174108 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/indicatorStatusIcon.js:93 (0x7ff7e64e6cd0 @ 58)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #2 0x7ffe3d0c77e0 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 71)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #3 0x7ffe3d0c78a0 b   self-hosted:916 (0x7ff8205f12b8 @ 367)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #4 0x7ffe3d0c7920 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/signals.js:128 (0x7ff8205d2230 @ 386)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #5 0x55e4dc174080 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/appIndicator.js:190 (0x7ff7e64d79a0 @ 22)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #6 0x7ffe3d0c8500 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 71)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #7 0x7ffe3d0c8c90 b   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/statusNotifierWatcher.js:219 (0x7ff7e64d4f78 @ 225)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #8 0x7ffe3d0c9970 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 71)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #9 0x55e4dc173f60 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/extension.js:61 (0x7ff7e64d42b8 @ 37)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #10 0x55e4dc173ea0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:82 (0x7ff82045a120 @ 431)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #11 0x55e4dc173e20 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:287 (0x7ff82045a780 @ 13)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #12 0x55e4dc173d50 i   self-hosted:251 (0x7ff8205c4ab0 @ 223)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #13 0x55e4dc173cd0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:284 (0x7ff82045a560 @ 113)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz gnome-shell[9692]: Object .Gjs_AppIndicatorIconActor__1 (0x55e4de56b590), has been already finalized. Impossible to set any property to it.
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: == Stack trace for context 0x55e4dbdc94d0 ==
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #0 0x7ffe3d0c72e0 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:83 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 87)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #1 0x55e4dc174108 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/indicatorStatusIcon.js:93 (0x7ff7e64e6cd0 @ 58)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #2 0x7ffe3d0c7ec0 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 71)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #3 0x7ffe3d0c7f80 b   self-hosted:916 (0x7ff8205f12b8 @ 367)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #4 0x7ffe3d0c8000 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/signals.js:128 (0x7ff8205d2230 @ 386)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #5 0x55e4dc174080 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/appIndicator.js:190 (0x7ff7e64d79a0 @ 22)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #6 0x7ffe3d0c8be0 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 71)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #7 0x7ffe3d0c8c90 b   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/statusNotifierWatcher.js:219 (0x7ff7e64d4f78 @ 225)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #8 0x7ffe3d0c9970 I   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/_legacy.js:82 (0x7ff8205b5de0 @ 71)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #9 0x55e4dc173f60 i   /home/rosencreuz/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com/extension.js:61 (0x7ff7e64d42b8 @ 37)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #10 0x55e4dc173ea0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:82 (0x7ff82045a120 @ 431)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #11 0x55e4dc173e20 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:287 (0x7ff82045a780 @ 13)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #12 0x55e4dc173d50 i   self-hosted:251 (0x7ff8205c4ab0 @ 223)
Dec 28 07:57:46 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: #13 0x55e4dc173cd0 i   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/extensionSystem.js:284 (0x7ff82045a560 @ 113)
Dec 28 07:57:47 rosencreuz gnome-shell[9692]: Some code accessed the property 'getUniqueBusNameSync' on the module 'util'. That property was defined with 'let' or 'const' inside the module. This was previously supported, but is not correct according to the ES6 standard. Any symbols to be exported from a module must be defined with 'var'. The property access will work as previously for the time being, but please fix your code anyway.
Dec 28 07:57:47 rosencreuz gnome-shell[9692]: [AppIndicatorSupport-DEBUG] Registering StatusNotifierItem :1.71/StatusNotifierItem
Dec 28 07:57:47 rosencreuz gnome-shell[9692]: [AppIndicatorSupport-DEBUG] Registering StatusNotifierItem :1.63/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/Rambox1
Dec 28 07:57:47 rosencreuz gnome-shell[9692]: [AppIndicatorSupport-DEBUG] Registering StatusNotifierItem :1.64/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/redshift
Dec 28 07:57:47 rosencreuz gnome-shell[9692]: [AppIndicatorSupport-DEBUG] Registering StatusNotifierItem :1.105/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/software_update_available
Dec 28 07:57:47 rosencreuz gnome-shell[9692]: [AppIndicatorSupport-DEBUG] Registering StatusNotifierItem :1.81/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/Slack1
Dec 28 07:57:47 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: Window manager warning: last_user_time (151154755) is greater than comparison timestamp (151154291).  This most likely represents a buggy client sending inaccurate timestamps in messages such as _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW.  Trying to work around...
Dec 28 07:57:47 rosencreuz org.gnome.Shell.desktop[9692]: Window manager warning: 0x3000011 (Installed ) appears to be one of the offending windows with a timestamp of 151154755.  Working around...
Dec 28 07:58:02 rosencreuz gnome-shell[9692]: Some code accessed the property 'refreshPropertyOnProxy' on the module 'util'. That property was defined with 'let' or 'const' inside the module. This was previously supported, but is not correct according to the ES6 standard. Any symbols to be exported from a module must be defined with 'var'. The property access will work as previously for the time being, but please fix your code anyway.
wxwok commented 5 years ago

I'm using ubuntu 18.10 and GNOME Shell 3.30.1, this issue also occurs on this version. I apt remove all installed gnome-shell-extension-* and reinstall them, it is fixed on my computer.

Michael-A-D commented 5 years ago

As suggested here: https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/12/fix-missing-indicator-icons-in-ubuntu.html Removing packages indicator-application indicator-common fixed it for me. It will also cause some other unity related packages to be remove because of their dependencies, but they're all useless now anyway. After that just reboot and you're done.

robiparvez commented 4 years ago

I finally uninstalled indicator-application and other indicator- (unfortunately I don't have the list) `apt remove indicator-` (as suggested here) and I can now see my icons !!

I think these indicator-* are unity related packages.

Lol. This worked for me. Thanks, mate. Using Ubuntu 18.04.04 LTS.