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Can't launch freshly installed Arduino IDE from desktop shortcut on Debian 11 #678

Closed N0rbert closed 1 year ago

N0rbert commented 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Have Debian 11 installed with task-mate-desktop on it
  2. Install Arduino IDE from Ubuntu Make using below commands
    sudo apt-get install git dpkg-dev debhelper dh-python python3-argcomplete python3-gnupg python3-setuptools python3-pytest python3-pycodestyle python3-pep8 python3-pexpect python3-progressbar python3-yaml python3-requests help2man
    cd ~/Downloads
    git clone https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-make
    cd ubuntu-make
    dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us
    sudo apt-get install ../ubuntu-make_22.10_all.deb

umake electronics arduino

3. Reboot
4. Locate the desktop-file by Caja at `~/.local/share/applications/arduino.desktop` and make it trusted
5. Double click on the Arduino icon

Expected results:
* Arduino IDE is started. The Arduino icon is also usable from Applications → Programming menu too.

Actual results:
* error window with the following text - "There was an error launching the application." is shown instead. The Arduino icon is not shown in Applications → Programming menu.

The problem is probably caused by having `Exec=arduino` in desktop-file (see below):

$ cat ~/.local/share/applications/arduino.desktop

!/usr/bin/env xdg-open

[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Name=Arduino Icon=/home/d/.local/share/umake/electronics/arduino/lib/arduino_icon.ico TryExec=/home/d/.local/share/umake/electronics/arduino/arduino Exec=arduino Comment=The Arduino Software IDE Categories=Development;IDE; Terminal=false

I can't understand why you have full path in `TryExec`, but not in `Exec` field. 

Details about the system:

$ grep -ira ".local/share/umake" ~ /home/d/.local/share/applications/arduino.desktop:Icon=/home/d/.local/share/umake/electronics/arduino/lib/arduino_icon.ico /home/d/.local/share/applications/arduino.desktop:TryExec=/home/d/.local/share/umake/electronics/arduino/arduino /home/d/.profile:PATH=/home/d/.local/share/umake/bin:$PATH

LyzardKing commented 1 year ago

Exec doesn't have the full path since the file is linked in a folder in PATH, therefore it is not necessary. This is set up in PATH=/home/d/.local/share/umake/bin:$PATH

There must be another error with the .desktop file. Could you check that the icon and executable paths are correct?

N0rbert commented 1 year ago

After adjusting PATH variable I can start Arduino from mate-terminal by arduino or gtk-launch arduino.desktop.

If I understand things correctly, then there is something wrong in Debian with the way of reading PATH variable from ~/.profile and/or ~/.bashrc by desktop environment. Currently I can't find relevant bug report about this, so I placed full path to Exec field manually. So there is no bug in ubuntu-make.

Update. The reason for the above behavior is the following. LightDM on Debian does not source ~/.profile file because of a bug or maybe feature (see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=636108 and https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1024073 ). The workaround here is to install SDDM and use it instead of LightDM - use sudo apt-get install sddm --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests and then reboot and login to MATE session.