ubuntu / yaru.dart

Ubuntu Yaru Flutter widgets and themes for building desktop and web applications
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Allow using the desktop font as UI interface font. #850

Open rago666 opened 12 months ago

rago666 commented 12 months ago

I am coming from Musicpod #62. It would be extremely nice if flutter snaps can pick up the default font of the desktop and use it as their interface font. I have pick up on some things on Musicpod app. It uses Baloo Da 2 and Kohinoor Bangla fonts to display my Bengali Music. Both of this font family was downloaded by me and not shipped with the distro.Below font is Kohinoor Bangla. Screenshot_20230701_205920-1

@Feichtmeier suggested bundling popular fonts but in my opinion this won't be a good solution. From my time browsing Unixporn the most popular font in people's setup is proprietary SF-Fonts (San Francisco, SF UI, SF Pro) from apple. Which I don't think yaru can legally bundle. Above I have shown an example how apps can use fonts that are not bundled. It would be really amazing if this functionality is expended to UI font as well.

Feichtmeier commented 10 months ago

At least we could bundle Cantarell as it is the default GNOME font, IMO