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tab bar background missing in guake #2149

Closed marhkb closed 2 years ago

marhkb commented 4 years ago

Expected Behavior

Tab bar background has some opaque colour when setting gtk theme to yaru-{dark} in dropdown terminal guake.

Actual Behavior

Tab bar background is totally transparent.

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Install guake
  2. select "yaru-{dark}" as gtk theme in guake settings

Software that presents the issue

Yaru version

20.04.5-1 from Arch Linux AUR


ad3luc commented 4 years ago

Also in my Ubuntu 18.04 machine using the dark theme the the tab bar is transparent

As you can see we can read the chrome title name in center when guake is open



Os: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS Shell: GNOME Shell 3.28.4


Guake Terminal: 3.7.0 VTE: 0.52.2 VTE runtime: 0.52.2 Gtk: 3.22.30


Version: 29.187 installed via snap

Feichtmeier commented 4 years ago

Damn, yeah this is caused by setting tabs bg to transparent, pretending that every app uses them in a sane way, yet I am always surprised how weird the combinations can be. We can fix this by giving them back a background but need to be careful with giving them the correct background for all possible combinations (prbly only $base_color for all but $bg_color for nautilus because we have switched the colors there for some reason looking at @madsrh and @clobrano 😍 👀 )

Feichtmeier commented 4 years ago

@marhkb where did you get that neat monochrome telegram indicator from btw? 😄

marhkb commented 4 years ago

It's from Papirus Icon Theme https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme

To apply it on indicators, I use https://github.com/bilelmoussaoui/Hardcode-Tray

and execute sudo hardcode-tray --size 22 --theme Papirus --apply

clobrano commented 3 years ago

Not reproducible in 20.04.8. Consider that the switch from yaru/yaru-light to yaru-dark requires guake restart.

mfonville commented 2 years ago

For me this very same bug is happening again on Ubuntu 21.10 with Guake 3.8.0 and higher

andrea-de commented 2 years ago

I'm also having this problem with guake_3.8.1-1~ppa~focal0_all

mfonville commented 2 years ago

@Davidy22 and @mlouielu are you aware of this issue too?

Davidy22 commented 2 years ago

No changes were made to tab bar style interpretation in Guake from 3.7 to 3.8. What you might be noticing instead is the new tab bar hide behavior that by default hides the tab bar if there is only one tab, which can be toggled off in the preferences menu.

mfonville commented 2 years ago

No, it is not the hide behaviour. I have multiple tabs open, and if I use the light Yaru theme I do have a background-color on the tabs. But with the dark Yaru-theme the background of the tabs are fully transparent and I just see the white text of the tab-name.


Davidy22 commented 2 years ago

Didn't have any idea of how this could have regressed, but something just came to me so I'm back. From Guake 3.8 onwards a checkbox was added labelled "Use system default theme," which will attempt to detect and use the system default theme. It was set to be enabled by default. If you uncheck that box and fiddle with the themes drop-down, do you notice the issue persisting? And if it only happens for some themes, which ones does it happen for?

mfonville commented 2 years ago

@Davidy22 Yes I have fiddled already with that checkbox and various options in the drop down. The issue always happens with Yaru-dark or Yaru in dark-mode, but it e.g. also happens with the Radiance theme. All other themes (including the light version of Yaru) seem to be working correctly.

fernandonavajas commented 2 years ago

I'm also having this problem bar tab transparent I cant read the tab labels :C

Davidy22 commented 2 years ago

So I think when this issue was "fixed," Guake was actually just not using the Yaru theme. When the "Use system default theme" option was added and made default, this issue resurfaced because Guake started using the system Yaru theme again for people who have it set, and the underlying issue wasn't actually dealt with so this issue returned.

Just spitballing because I'm using a DE without a Yaru option and can't actually try it out, but I suspect this happens because guake is drawn as just a GTK notebook widget with no window decorations or anything underneath, and if I'm reading @Feichtmeier's comment right yaru sets the tab bar in a GTK notebook to be transparent so it looks transparent because we have nothing drawn behind it. Given that Yaru is in the minority of themes this happens for, one solution would be for Yaru to make like the other themes and also color in the tab bar, even if it'll be the same color as what would normally be under it. I've incidentally been looking for a way to get a window decoration in GTK without the titlebar that doesn't mess with our positioning for unrelated cosmetic reasons, and if I eventually find a solution for that in the documentation that may just incidentally fix this as well, been stumped on that one for a little while though.

Jupi007 commented 2 years ago

I can confirm the problem on 21.10 using guake 3.8 from the ppa. I also found a way to fix it. I'll make a patch very soon.

window#guake-terminal notebook {
   background: $bg-color;
Ginden commented 2 years ago

@Jupi007 I'm not familiar with tinkering with GNOME. How can I apply it to my system?

Jupi007 commented 2 years ago

This need to be backported, but honestly I don't know exactly how to do this. I'll try to find a solution because we also have some more patch to backport.

erichlf commented 2 years ago

I switched to the Yaru theme and then back to the system default and this resoved the issue for me.