Hi, I really appreciate the webserver and its high-qualitied RNA-seq datasets. However, I am working on a project requiring LOTS of GEO RNA-seq datasets, but I found downloading manually or using crawler tools like selenium inefficient for GREIN. Is their any possibility for the team to offer access for database files, like an archive of RNA-seq rawcount.csv files, or have an API like getGEO in R? Thanks a lot.
Hi, I really appreciate the webserver and its high-qualitied RNA-seq datasets. However, I am working on a project requiring LOTS of GEO RNA-seq datasets, but I found downloading manually or using crawler tools like selenium inefficient for GREIN. Is their any possibility for the team to offer access for database files, like an archive of RNA-seq rawcount.csv files, or have an API like getGEO in R? Thanks a lot.