uc-cdis / data-portal

Windmill: data portal for metadata submission and query
Apache License 2.0
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setup test framework for portal integration tests #237

Closed philloooo closed 6 years ago

philloooo commented 6 years ago

figure out what test framework to use for portal (webdriverio? Selenium? mabl?) and setup the configuration so that it can be run by jenkins

trevars commented 6 years ago

Issue with testing with Google.

jbarno commented 6 years ago

Since you guys are deploying much more frequently I think mabl would be a great fit for you. I've made a workspace: https://app.mabl.com/workspaces/MQqK3ImQhO-7iF1IrKJHBw-w/settings/team

You can definitely trigger it to run on a number of different events. Let me know if you guys like it, I'm currently only using it to detect boken links with their crawlers.

thanh-nguyen-dang commented 6 years ago


thanh-nguyen-dang commented 6 years ago

spent 28 hours