uc-python / intro-python-datasci

Intro to Python for Data Science Workshop
MIT License
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Now-inaccurate description of course resource layout #17

Closed eswan18 closed 5 years ago

eswan18 commented 5 years ago

Our current direction is for our notebooks to be our slides -- we aren't using separate files for slides. That makes this bit of the Python & Jupyter Overview notebook inaccurate.

markroepke commented 5 years ago

Do we want to move everything to a "notebooks" or "slides" subdirectory? They're currently in notebooks but designed to be viewed as slides.

eswan18 commented 5 years ago

I don't feel strongly at all, whatever you think is best.

I would lean "notebooks" since that's what they really are, and I don't think it'll cause much confusion. But it really doesn't matter.

markroepke commented 5 years ago

This is addressed in the above commit, and the issue should close when the commit is merged to master.