ucam-department-of-psychiatry / crate

Create and use de-identified research databases. Preprocess, extract text, anonymise/de-identify, link, apply natural language processing, query for research, manage consent for contact.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Containerise the Anonymisation API #92

Closed martinburchell closed 2 years ago

martinburchell commented 2 years ago

I've ended up consolidating the two Django applications into one. This makes the containerisation much simpler.

There were some problems that I couldn't easily resolve with trying to make the browsable API test area work with multiple form fields. It would have required too much custom code. So for now I've removed support for multipart/form-data. All requests now need to be application/json. I don't think this will be a problem.

Getting the tests to work with pytest requires a few fudges to prevent errors both in pytest's initial automatic test discovery and later when running the tests themselves:

I've also fixed some deprecation warnings: url() ugettext() and ugettext_lazy()