ucarno / ow-league-tokens

Bot that farms Overwatch League tokens by pretending you watch league streams
193 stars 24 forks source link

Error CHROME Driver is going to stream at. #58

Closed Aezriel82 closed 1 year ago

Aezriel82 commented 1 year ago

[2023-05-02 08:08:18,998 - INFO] (Version) Checking for new version... [2023-05-02 08:08:19,436 - INFO] (Version) No new version available! [2023-05-02 08:08:19,436 - INFO] (Bot) Booting 1 headless Chrome driver(s)... [2023-05-02 08:08:19,437 - INFO] (Bot) Follow all instructions you see here and DO NOT press or do anything until asked, it may break the bot. [2023-05-02 08:08:21,603 - INFO] patching driver executable C:\Users\PC\appdata\roaming\undetected_chromedriver\undetected_chromedriver.exe [2023-05-02 08:08:23,553 - INFO] (Bot) Checking if you are logged in... [2023-05-02 08:08:27,804 - ERROR] (Chrome - 'default') Authentication check passed. [2023-05-02 08:08:27,963 - INFO] (Bot) Started looking for live stream... [2023-05-02 13:49:07,280 - INFO] (Bot) Stream has just started! [2023-05-02 13:49:07,281 - ERROR] (Chrome - 'default') Driver is going to stream at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOcntlm4KBo...

just got this error as it went live.

it appears the actual OWL live feed atm isnt offering a "connected gem" logo atm, may be related?

Publicspac3 commented 1 year ago

the current stream doesn't have tokens enabled (pinned chat message); not entirely sure its related to the error however that should answer that last bit about the connected gem not showing up


ucarno commented 1 year ago

At this state, bot will watch ALL streams on OWL channel, no matter if they give tokens or not. I may implement wathing only token-giving streams in the future.

By the way, those errors in console are not actually errors, it is my mistake that these messages are marked as errors, I will fix that in next release.