It would be great if the BAG framework was available on conda-forge. Would you mind if I created a recipe and submitted it to conda-forge?
In the instructions you say the easiest way to get started is with Anaconda, so it would be great if it was available as a conda package from the conda-forge channel.
I also have some suggestions on how to include the SKILL code so that it is loaded from the active conda environment automatically when you start Cadence Virtuoso. I can include that as part of the conda recipe.
It would be great if the BAG framework was available on conda-forge. Would you mind if I created a recipe and submitted it to conda-forge?
In the instructions you say the easiest way to get started is with Anaconda, so it would be great if it was available as a conda package from the conda-forge channel.
Here are some instructions for how to create a conda-forge feed-stock which will build the conda package.
I also have some suggestions on how to include the SKILL code so that it is loaded from the active conda environment automatically when you start Cadence Virtuoso. I can include that as part of the conda recipe.