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Support RawModule / multi-clock modules #14

Open edwardcwang opened 5 years ago

edwardcwang commented 5 years ago

Example of multi-clock circuits: https://github.com/edwardcwang/chisel-multiclock-demo

It would make testing these kinds of circuits more DRY and less tedious than manually creating a wrapper Module.


ducky64 commented 5 years ago

I have a few ideas, but let's recap the current testers2 architecture:

I think the current two ideas all have trade-offs and depends on use cases.

Clock Generator Wrapper

Turns out this might not be feasible given MultiIOModules, because I don't think it's possible to generate a Module that has the same top-level-IO as another Module (the one it wraps).

The idea would have been to encapsulate the non-implicit-clock-module DUT in an implicit-clock-module wrapper, pass through the non-clock IOs, and generate digital clock dividers for the clock IOs from the wrapper's implicit clock. The derived clocks could be specified simply as a map of the Clock object to the period multiple of the implicit clock.

More thought would be required about optionally specifying phase and default reset behavior.

This also only works when clocks can be regular and have static frequency relationships that don't change. So great if this reflects your real system, but could make writing tests for async circuits (eg testing various cases of AsyncQueue) more difficult. But those cases maybe also need non-ideal circuits where combinational logic takes nonzero time to propagate?

Clock Generator with Realtime Semantics

Largely the same proposal (from a user point of view) as above, except the clock generation is moved into the testdriver infrastructure. So instead of the current situation where testers2 infrastructure generates only the implicit clock, it can optionally take a map of Clock to Int / Float frequency and generate the rising and falling edges as needed. Similar limitations as above, it's just a different implementation of a similar API.

Improving Poke-on-Clock

As noted in the intro, in the current architecture poking clocks works as expected, though stepping (waiting for rising edge) on a clock poked in another thread will NOT work. This attempts to unify those.

Instead of (necessarily - still might be useful for optimization purposes though) having the implicit generated in infrastructure, clock generation could just be another thread that pokes clocks. There would be two ways that threads blocked on a step can be triggered:

  1. Poking a rising edge on a clock immediately pauses the current thread and runs all the threads blocking on that clock. In this case, it's not possible to have true simultaneous rising edges.
  2. Add a realtime construct with some way to advance realtime. A thread does not pause until it advances realtime (or waits on a clock edge, or joins on another thread).

In both cases, the default behavior would still be to provide a default clock for implicit-clocked-modules, but not for RawModule. In the realtime case, there would be some default realtime clock frequency for the implicit clock, though this mainly affects waveform dump since combinational logic is instantaneous. Mixing realtime and clock step semantics may also lead to poor style code.

In this model, I'd be concerned about the complexity and antipatterns possible with the power of an arbitrary event scheduler model - for example, what if you poke a clock rising edge from one thread, and then poke a clock rising edge from the triggered thread? Some of the cross-thread-interactions limitations could generalize here, particularly if the clocking thread is in its own thread (as opposed to the root thread - so it would have no child threads which can override the clock value).

One way proposal 2 could look would be:

test(new MyRawModule()) { c =>
  fork {
    while (True) {
      step(1.0)  // ns
      step(1.0)  // ns, clock1's threads triggered here
      step(1.0)  // ns, clock2's threads triggered here
      step(1.0)  // ns
  // test code here

or different clocks in different threads:

test(new MyRawModule()) { c =>
  fork {
    while (True) {
      step(1.0)  // ns
      step(1.0)  // ns, clock1's threads triggered here
  }.fork {
    while (True) {
      step(1.5)  // ns
      step(1.5)  // ns, clock2's threads triggered here
  // test code here

in addition to the poking the clock in the main thread as in the AsyncClockTest.

ducky64 commented 5 years ago

This was briefly discussed at the meeting today.

While there is a use for the fixed frequency case, it is limiting, so we mainly consider ways we could arbitrarily poke clocks.

Clock Dependence Linearization

Under this proposal, all pokes to a clock must happen in a thread that runs before any thread that is stepping on (blocked on) that clock. Because thread execution order largely follows lexical ordering (assuming function calls are flattened), this means that clock pokes must be lexically before any clock steps. Practically, I expect the most common pattern to be spawning a thread as the clock generator before any other testdriver action.

Other details:

Other Possibilities

Another option discussed is only being able to poke clocks in a special region that runs before the main testdriver region, but this is probably too restrictive.

sequencer commented 4 years ago

Hello, @ducky64, if I wanna implement a RawModule tester without wrapper, what's the best way? I'm trying to port diplomatic module to tester2, But they are in RawModule.

ducky64 commented 4 years ago

So the reason we need a full Module is for the clock and reset line, in particular the clock line which is currently treated as special. RawModule doesn't provide a clock, which breaks one of the fundamental abstractions of the tester infrastructure driving the clock.

The above are some possibilities about how we can make the Module clock not-special, by providing ways for user code to drive clocks. This gets complicated because clocks can trigger other logic. You're welcome to try to reason through the above and see if there's a good solution, but I imagine that this would be a lot of time building infrastructure.

Is it impossible to wrap a diplomatic module in a Module with the implicit clock and reset? It is a bit ugly, but we also really do need the clock...

sequencer commented 4 years ago

Yes, I'm writing a wrapper, by extraction all Edge paramters, reconstruct a Top MultiIOModule, yes, it's a liitle ugly but seems works now. After finishing this, I will give a try to port MultiIOModule to RawModule.