ucb-bar / fpga-images-zybo

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"No cores found" error #4

Open yuliu2015 opened 5 years ago

yuliu2015 commented 5 years ago


I downloaded this pre-built and put it on a SD card, and insert the card into ZYBO board. Once I connect the board via the serial port and open a terminal (putty), I can see the "PetaLinux" logo and login prompt. Once I logged in as root, I can see the following files under the root home directory:

bbl fesvr-zynq hello pk

However, when I try to run the risc-v hello program:

./fesvr-zynq pk hello

it gives following error:

ERROR: No cores found.

Same error happens when trying to boot risc-v linux:

./fesvr-zynq bbl

ERROR: No cores found

It looks the fesvr-zynq inside uramdisk.image.gz is inconsistent with the rest build.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


josecm commented 5 years ago

Hello yuliu, don't know if you still need this, but I have updated the binaries for zybo, and it seems to be working: https://github.com/josecm/fpga-images-zybo