But what else is needed? What does this instruction in section 6.10.1 of Chipyard doc mean?:
lazy val tapeout = conditionalDependsOn(project in file("./tools/barstools/tapeout/"))
.dependsOn(chisel_testers, example, yourproject)
Background: trying to replicate Lab 2 of EE290
I ran
make CONFIG=GemminiRocketConfig
to build a simulator for Gemmini but I do not see anything that tells me my verilog mesh is correctly linked or not.
I have the verilog located in vsrc like this:
generators/yourproject/ build.sbt src/main/ scala/ resources/ vsrc/ YourFile.v
But what else is needed? What does this instruction in section 6.10.1 of Chipyard doc mean?: