When MMMC corners have not been specified, the user gets this error message:
File "/tools/B/hngenc/chipyard/vlsi/hammer/src/hammer-vlsi/hammer_vlsi/hammer_vlsi_impl.py", line 234, in generate_all_srams_and_corners
srams = reduce(list.__add__, list(map(lambda c: self.generate_all_srams(c), self.get_mmmc_corners()))) # type: List[ExtraLibrary]
TypeError: reduce() of empty sequence with no initial value
make: *** No rule to make target '/tools/B/hngenc/chipyard/vlsi/generated-src/gemmini.GemminiAcceleratorConfig/sram_generator-output.json', needed by '/tools/B/hngenc/chipyard/vlsi/build/gemmini.GemminiAcceleratorConfig-RocketTile/hammer.d'. Stop.
I think it would be better if the length of the self.get_mmmc_corners() list was checked first, so that the user could get an error message alerting them more directly that they haven't set the variable appropriately.
When MMMC corners have not been specified, the user gets this error message:
I think it would be better if the length of the
list was checked first, so that the user could get an error message alerting them more directly that they haven't set the variable appropriately.