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Benchmark EC2 AMIs #18

Open ck37 opened 9 years ago

ck37 commented 9 years ago

For the EC2 AMI target, it could be helpful to have a few benchmark images for comparison and food for thought. I think Louis Aslett's is probably a good comparison: http://www.louisaslett.com/RStudio_AMI/

Unfortunately it doesn't appear to be open source but it does describe some of the key default features: 10GB EBS storage — compact, but enables storage of more sizeable datasets. Full LaTeX support enabling regular or Sweave document compiles within RStudio. GDAL dependencies for GIS packages. GSL and CURL libraries. ODBC drivers for database access. Git and Subversion support out of the box. Stan (RStan) installed and ready to use for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling. OpenGL R interfaces supported. Swap space for compiling of large packages on constrained memory instances (such as rugarch). Defaults to fast SSD storage. Arbitrary precision arithmetic and number theory libraries supported out of the box (GMP, MPFR, FLINT). Optimised BLAS for automatically faster matrix operations than base R libraries (OpenBLAS).