ucbrise / jarvis

Build, configure, and track workflows with Jarvis.
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jarvis.pull() for multiple out_artifacts #2

Closed hsubbaraj closed 7 years ago

hsubbaraj commented 7 years ago

My workflow has two out_artifacts at the end of the DAG, and I have to run pull() on both of them, which leads to repeated computation. I create a "phony" final_artifact to get around it right now, but I shouldn't need to do that. Possible fix is to take in an array of out_artifacts in pull and run the subgraphs where the computation differs??

screen shot 2017-10-13 at 4 34 42 pm
rlnsanz commented 7 years ago


Given that artifact is a Jarvis artifact, call artifact.pull() to pull that artifact and every sibling.
