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Users see citations that are as complete as our sources would allow it. #24

Open Vensberg opened 1 year ago

Vensberg commented 1 year ago

When a user opens their profile page, they see each academic article formatted in APA format, with each of the following fields present: APA format for journal articles Users see
Title as per UI mockup Authors, Year, Journal Title, Volume, Issue, Page or Page Range, DOI. Those data elements are displayed as long as they are present in one of the data sources. The DOI is hyperlinked.

APA format for conference proceedings Note: if the proceeding is published as a book chapter, our sources do not have data on the editors, so we cannot display that.

Chapter in an edited book Note: our sources don't have data on book editors. This will have to be addressed at a later time.

Currently, there is a ranking of preference for the citation sources, and only the data elements from the available top choice is displayed. At the completion of this epic story, the citations will be as complete as possible with the elements enumerated above, correctly combining data from the different sources as needed.

Development work based on UI mock-ups: https://github.com/ucd-library/aggie-experts/issues/151


Currently, article citation 3469144 appears as Hydrological processing of salinity and nitrate in the Salinas Valley agricultural watershed Zikalala P, Kisekka I, Grismer M. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 193.

When updated, it will appear as Hydrological processing of salinity and nitrate in the Salinas Valley agricultural watershed Zikalala P, Kisekka I, Grismer M. 193 (Suppl 1): 272.

Currently, conference paper citation 2713713 appears as

Streaming Satellite Data to Cloud Workflows for On-Demand Computing of Environmental Data Products Zinn D, Hart Q, Ludascher B, Simmhan Y. . 1-8.

When updated, it will appear as

Streaming Satellite Data to Cloud Workflows for On-Demand Computing of Environmental Data Products. Zinn D, Hart Q, Ludascher B, Simmhan Y. . The 5th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science. 1-8. The IEEE publisher's citation also includes location , New Orleans, LA, USA, but none of our sources has that, so we cannot include it.

Definition of Done

qjhart commented 1 year ago

The citation source to VIVO construction as been added to the experts-client query, cdl_citation_to_vivo.

These queries have not formally been added to the experts-cli, but the construction here is approrpiate for the sply funcationality.

Vensberg commented 1 year ago

VALUES (?source ?priority) gives the priority of the sources as they fill in gaps in the citation fields

qjhart commented 1 year ago

@Vensberg , we haven't yet come up with proper id's for the above works, but you can find them with

for i in 3469144 2713713; do id=$(md5sum <<<"http://oapolicy.universityofcalifornia.edu/${i}" | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed -e 's!\(..\)!\1/\1!'); echo $i $id; done
3469144 fe/fe97dfb56036bbea5b3c3f186b970ce1
2713713 0b/0b9d64001400f6a921cbd8c71cb5d5c0

These are now formatted in citation style, so you can see what that APA might look like with:

http http://localhost/fcrepo/rest/work/0b/0b9d64001400f6a921cbd8c71cb5d5c0/svc:es-work-transform | jq '.["@graph"][0]' | citation-js -f string -s citation-apa
Streaming satellite data to cloud workflows for on-demand computing of environmental data products. (published). 2010 5th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science, WORKS 2010. https://doi.org/10.1109/WORKS.2010.5671841

Authors are currently not included properly. in the default result, but you can see the container in the above example

Vensberg commented 2 weeks ago

The Publisher appears in the UI, but not in the RIS file download.

Vensberg commented 2 weeks ago

Sources sometimes won't distinguish b/n author and editor. Crossref seems to get this right.